Perhaps the one defining reason I choose to roleplay is, is that I enjoy forging stories, be them characters or worlds, not just as a writer but as an individual bound to creative bias as a whole. I intend and desire to work words into a product, an identity and concept to be portrayed by in some cases and in others, just a means to an end to put forward underlying thought processes. There is no avoiding this for me, as in many cases they are distorted, mirrored reflections of myself or those I know in person and always have been; so long that as far as I can remember, I have been putting forth stories and lore since early youth. Some have evolved, others fell away as the depth of content and material became too deep, although most are still there at their core. Involving others, however? It makes for poorer quality to lack other perspectives and personalities beyond those I hold domain over. No less, a story without an audience of sorts, or even participants, makes for a very empty tale. Who is to learn or gain anything from it that the author would not already? More can and should be done with it, thus it becomes a point to make it an interactive adventure.