Aki's body shifted in her seat, causing a loud creak to permeate the room, as she slowly came to, to hear a voice talking to her, about some kind of game. "[color=fff200]Did we win?[/color]" She wondered absently, as she forced her eyes open. What happened? She didn't think she got hit [i]that[/i] hard... She looked up, to find herself in a decrepit classroom. A confused look fell upon her face. "[color=fff200]Where... am I?[/color]" She asked, rubbing the back of her head. Aki frowned, not really having any idea as yo what was happening. That was until she saw the most adorable creature she'd ever laid eyes on. She immediately rose from her seat, and made her way in front of the plush cat thing, not even noticing the others in the room, "What are you?" She asked, kneeling down to eye level, and booping the creature on the nose. "[color=fff200]You're like... The Cat in the Hat.[/color]" She gave a small chuckle, momentarily forgetting about the fear she should be feeling about this situation. She turned her head, and petted the creature, looking around its body. This was strange indeed. She grabbed below the cats fore-paws, and lifted it up above her, and looking at it inquisitively, "[color=fff200]Do you know how me got here, mister Cat in the Hat?[/color]" She asked, not yet having put together that this cat creature was the thing talking to her to begin with.