[url=http://th06.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2011/076/1/f/1fa156e7f95e97b12424ecfe55e66946-d3buv54.jpg]Surge[/url] was jolted upright from her leaned back position of the couch, her heart rate spiking in reaction to the loud blare. She had a rather unhappy looked and let out a huff of dissatisfaction and frustration, her arms crossed against her bust, she held her annoyed expression as she looked down at [url=http://i.imgur.com/S7avH5O.jpg]Bishop[/url]. The psionic powered teen was shocked as well, looking up to her supercharged ally, she shared the same look of annoyance after she took in a breath of much needed air. Surge was rather unhappy to see the broadcast, an alert in Eden, shadow creatures terrorizing the city, at least she had a new way to release her pent up energy. The female ran a hand through her short electric blue hair as she looked toward the camera feed, Bishop turned to look as well, she grumbled quietly as she looked at the TVs switch to the camera feed. She saw the half human-half machine known as Prime, that was rather unsettling. The household A.I know as [url=http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/015/8/0/____auntie_dot_____by_xxnoxisxx-d379xen.jpg]Auntie Dot[/url] teleported by use of the nodes within the house, she had a serious look on her face. The holographic female’s arms were crossed against herself as she looked at the two girls. With a slight movement of her finger, the pathway Prime was flying on had its automated defense system enabled, rail cannon chainguns were locked onto their target, slowly starting to spin before firing their charged rounds rapidly. Dot smiled at her work before she looked toward the two girls and glared a bit. [b][i]”What are you two still doing? There’s a threat outside, get dressed...now!”[/i][/b] She commanded in an orderly tone, she wasn't the team’s leader but she was the house’s caretaker and controller so they did show her respect. She quickly teleported away to the [url= http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs12/i/2006/296/e/c/SF_Control_Room_by_thegryph.jpg]command center[/url], she activated the base’s intercom. [b][i]”Sentinels to the main room, repeat, sentinels to the main room…”[/i][/b] She spoke in her human-like yet robotic and unchanging voice. The girls had gotten dressed and just in time, the team had made their way into the main room. [url=http://th01.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2013/035/e/2/e2b5da368663dcf5f09992384513755c-d5ttke2.jpg]Shadowhawk[/url], the leader of the Sentinels held his helmet to his side, he was dressed in his prometheum armored suit. He stared up at the monitor with narrowed eyes, so this guy was calling out the team personally. Maybe he wanted to make a name for himself, the Titans weren't exactly the go to guys and girls at the moment. It didn't matter, either way this machine of a man had to go down. Once Auntie Dot stopped the hail of gunfire Shadowhawk put on his helmet, with a click, the headpiece stayed in place. “Dot, initiate lock-down sequence Zeta!” He commanded to the A.I who promptly complied once the team got themselves outside, not including Spellthief or Ironsight. They were a good ways away from the main entrance of the base but they needed to intercept this threat now and fast. “[url=http://i.imgur.com/DN7ESKv.jpg]Darkstar[/url] and [url=http://i.imgur.com/vALVW77.jpg]Archangel[/url], you guys scout ahead and watch each other’s backs. Surge and Bishop, if this guy gets past them, practice that power combination. [url=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs38/i/2009/002/1/a/Gambit_by_bayanghitam.jpg]Wildcard[/url], you’re with me…” Shadowhawk spoke, ordering his team without hesitation or signs of being unnerved. Darkstar and Archangel nodded, the angel from heaven spread his wings and took t the skies along with his cosmic teammate. A blue flame radiated around the angel as he sped toward the enemy known as Prime. Darkstar was right with him to his left, matching his speed, Archangel cocked back his left arm, his fist becoming engulfed in a blue blazing flame. Darkstar doing the same to her right, charging it with a red-orange energy. The two driving it forward with devastating force backed behind it, aimed directly for the machine’s chest. Surge and Bishop glanced at one another with small smirks, their eyes began to glow under influence of their powers. Bishop’s became a bright violet while Surge’s became a bright blue color. With seemingly little to no effort, Bishop created a psionic barrier, the construct stayed permanent for as long as she willed it to. The female drew her twin wakizashi, one held forward by its handle and the other backward. “So about earlier, I think I’m willing to admit I wasn't all there…” Bishop commented, causing her partner to look at her with a look of disapproval. “Not all there? Hmm…” Surge grumbled, obviously annoyed now by the girl’s comment, her hands crackled with electricity as she prepared herself. --- Sable's ring began to rapidly bleep as it picked up the rampant emotion of fear, it couldn't have been the yellow lanterns. Her suspicions were calmed when a holographic image of a strange shadow creature came up, terrorizing a local of Eden. [b][i]"Numerous unknown entities comprised of a strange energy have been detected, possible elimination should be in order.."[/i][/b] Her ring droned to her, she looked toward Grant and gave him a loving hug. "Meet me there!" She called out as she flew out of their home, going at supersonic speeds toward Eden, her strong emotions pushed her forward. She immediately began saving the civilians, scooping up as many s possible within a box construct and dropping them off at an evac zone. She grit her teeth and clenched her fists in anger, catching sight of the dead that couldn't be saved, St.Walker knew how to resurrect the dead but she was nowhere near his level. She couldn't possible help all these people, she stopped her spouts of rage combined with doubting thoughts and began to think clearly, her mind filled with the hope that she could help the people that died. She aimed her hand that hadn't been equipped with a ring forward, she learned that she could extend the ring's power through parts of her body so long as she wore the ring. A celestial, benevolent looking blue light exploded out of the ring toward some of the shadow creatures, they were hit but they didn't seemed faltered. Her alone wouldn't be enough, she needed her team.