Hue, this looks like fun... A question before I proceed however: Are half-Orc or full orcs available as a race? If so but if you want to know why such a creature would want to go to a wizard school, I can make up various reasons from “This is my form of rebellion against my family” to “My people just don’t have any issues with magic or others, figured this was a good place to branch out”. If this is quasi DnD what edition are we sorta based off of? I’m familiar with 5e though I prefer 3.5 or Pathfinder. And do we have to be wizards or can we be most types of casters? I was thinking something of a Pathfinder (DnD3.75) Half-Orc Skald (Bard-Barian basically) who isn’t so much specializing in any one spell as much as specializing in the act of making magic stuff (I’d assume that would generally fall under Transmutation).