[@Darkwatck01] No sooner had Edward deposited the man on his feet than the other patrons dragged the unfortunate individual back and started to pummel him. The man cried out in agony as their blows drew blood on every corner of his body. Then they stood up and came for Edward and Ravadon. "What...madness...is this?" Ravadon gasped. His eyes narrowed. He slipped Gladius out of its sheath and levelled it at the patrons. "Now look here, you slimy scumbags! You cannot treat people like that in my glorious presence. I hereby sentence you to-" A patron threw a punch at him. Ravadon instinctively sliced back. A stone head rolled to the ground. These were not humans. These were golems. Ravadon had barely picked his jaw up off the floor when he heard screams erupting down the street. "Edward," he said slowly, "Perhaps it's time for a retraction to your earlier statements?" __________ [@ineffable] The screams soon grew common enough to be heard inside the castle walls. Sir Byron motioned for a guard to go outside and investigate. The guard came running back. "The city is under attack from...from golems, sir!" The King rose to full height. "The Dragon is here."