[quote=@Lucius Cypher] Hue, this looks like fun... A question before I proceed however: Are half-Orc or full orcs available as a race? If so but if you want to know why such a creature would want to go to a wizard school, I can make up various reasons from “This is my form of rebellion against my family” to “My people just don’t have any issues with magic or others, figured this was a good place to branch out”. If this is quasi DnD what edition are we sorta based off of? I’m familiar with 5e though I prefer 3.5 or Pathfinder. And do we have to be wizards or can we be most types of casters? I was thinking something of a Pathfinder (DnD3.75) Half-Orc Skald (Bard-Barian basically) who isn’t so much specializing in any one spell as much as specializing in the act of making magic stuff (I’d assume that would generally fall under Transmutation). [/quote] YAY NEW PERSON! Hey im the Dm, to answer your first question yes Orcs are totally a thing that you can be. The reason I didn't list it, and a follow up to your second question actually, is because im my lore and world building I just simply haven't gotten to build that society in my world yet. I have recently decided I wanted them down in the south of the continent with the tribal human races to serve as a sort of political parallel interest for that part of the world but the truth is I just haven't gotten around to much more than they are there. As for why that answers your second question, while yes my lore is made in dnd, this is Roleplay forum, and so we don't roll dice. My world is being built around 5e, but the thing is that since we don't need to use ANY systems and my setting is one of my own invention, it serves as more of a framing device for the world we play in. If you are interested in jumping in please feel free to talk it out with me for your magical tastes, but since the orc race is widely unexplored by myself right now I will allow you to mold your own story for them since they are widely detached from the European style fantasy continent. Tl:Dr, I make my lore in 5th edition dnd and the rp is loosely using the magic and race options from the 5th edition of dnd. BUT you don't have to follow it religiously nor does anyone else. Orcs are a thing, but are largely blank slate in my lore atm, however part of this rp is helping me explore my own world as well. Current Native Orcs are generally Shamanistic and warlock style wizards but I am very lax with what you WANT to be, you don't have to be a shaman or a warlock its up to you, it's just more of a cultural favoritism due to the development of the society in the south continent. If you want to talk it out, talk to me and talk with your fellow players. You are welcome here and I would love to have you here! Again, yes you can be an orc. Granted you'd be an outlander in this particular setting. But I love odd one outs in rp settings so I encourage embracing being seen as especially unusual. Makes you more interesting IMO.