Name: Annora Age: 31 Sex:female Race: Tamer Appearance: [img][/img] Personality: A quiet thing with a curiosity that has often gotten her into trouble. A kind spirit with soft words, she will often offer a helping hand, though she has never had contact with the cities. Because of this, she may be a bit slower when it comes to street smarts, an easy target to be taken advantage of yet she could live on her own for months in the wilds, knowing the ins and outs of survival. She's terrified of silence and large crowds. Liking the security of her companion and an easy way for him to come to her aid at any time. If she whistles, it's a good time to run. History: Annora was the daughter of a ranger when she had an accident on a hunting trip. Finding a strange stone, she held it in her hands, wanting so desperately to bring it to her father so he could trade it in the market. Little to her knowledge the spear of emeralds, silver and sappier was the home to a vengeful spirit. Feeling her intent to use it for personal gain the soul that rested in her palm lashed out, cursing her so that she could never see again, her skin turning dark and horns growing from her soul, looking as if she was kissed from the night sky herself and yet she would never be able to cast her eyes due to the damage that was done. Stumbling, lost, alone and scared, she was sure that the wilds would have taken her as she felt she had stumbled out of the city limits. Yet as her hands brushed the dew covered leaves, and the sweet smell of honey wafting to her nose, she still found herself alone. Days passing, and yet not a single beast, hungry or not had decided to step into her path and end her. It wasn't until she was near the point of giving up that she was found by Loriel, a Kurin that had taken pity on her and took her under it's wing. She would have died of starvation if he didn't find her. Teaching her to find her way around without her eyes, how to hunt and forage, yet always staying close by no matter what situation she had found herself in. The beast acting as more of a parent than a partner, giving her the title of tamer and allowing her to walk alongside of him and his kin, often fighting for her life yet never wanting to change a thing. Skills: Knows the difference between many poisons and toxins based on smell alone. Able to forage, and has a great sense of hearing. She loves carving small figures out of wood to run her hands over them. Loriel: [hider] [img][/img] [/hider]