[center][hr][hr] [url=https://fontmeme.com/futuristic-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171113/3f6d10b7e87299fbefcb57166337f888.png[/img][/url] [hr] [url=https://fontmeme.com/futuristic-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171113/415dee793718ffffe064c804ed1d22c0.png[/img][/url][hr][hr][/center] Kwan was sorting through all the data she was receiving [i]::Wolf-12:: "Move up to the hills edge, keep the BETA advance back long enough for reinforcements to begin landing." ::Wolf-3:: "We hold until the rest land or we get new orders from Wolf 1, everyone watch your ammo, no telling when we'll be getting resupplied with the state the fleet is in right now." ::???:: "Laser-Class spotted... guarded by a number of Grappler-Class and more Tank-Class than I can count! We won't be able to deal with the Laser-Class unless we take the rest out of the equation!"[/i] By the dearth of data and comms chatter the tall pilot had to assume that they were in a deep position with little chance of support facing the typical Beta assault force and numbers so she positioned herself for accuracy and began lobbing indirect fire on a mass of the crablike Beta Grapplers and and big mouthed Tanks. Her accuracy was 67% destroyed by her own mental estimates as she methodically began sweeping a path clean for the Vanguards in their advanced positions. She was calm as she kept track of the enemy movements and Wolf Unit’s advance. She knew some believed adrenalin a good thing but they had never devoted themselves to the study of this archaic biochemical response to danger so she used TACT (Tactical Arousal Control Technique) which helped her to stay calm and in control as her life was held in the balance. She did this to control the less desirable effects of secondary arousal which ruined control using the scan and focus skills she had learned in martial arts that centered her awareness on her center of gravity. This helped her to steady the twitch response that could cause her to fire too quickly or delay her shot and ruin her timing. She added to this her control over her own ego offering or creating excuses for any missed shots accepting them as a fact of combat which she could only take the time to observe for correctable training and self reflection knowing to do so in combat a waste of tactical awareness which could result in the loss of a teammate or her own life. She banished all thought outside of what was required for her combat performance entering what her former instructors called the “Machine State” and helped her to control and become one with her Fubuki. Her assault cannon spit shells in what might seem as staggered and irregular intervals form an outside point of view but was a result of target, movement, and temperature control in her weapon. She didn’t need to look at the counter as it displayed the depletion of her supply because she had an internal counter that warned her moments before the machine’s alarms. In her position she also needed to be aware that the enemy had a history of ambushing the Guard force by tunneling beneath and behind knowing as she did that this was how many units were overwhelmed and killed. It was the little considered thought of nearly 42% of those engaged in combat if the figures gathered by the tactical debriefs of past encounters because of the tunnel vision.