[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/FMbiAoo.png[/img] [color=red][b]|| Akira Kurusu || Day Three - Morning || Platform City Subway || WC: 991 || Level 1 || || Batter [@Majoras End], The Heavy [@ONL], Slayer [@Lugubrious] ||[/b][/color] [b][color=red]Experience:[/color] |||||||||| ([color=red]0[/color]/10)[/b] [/center] Akira looked up at Slayer with a neutral gaze. He didn't really know what to think of the other, especially when it came to his personality, which was a lot different then he expected; it reminded him of a certain detective, but he chose to quickly push the thought to the very depths of his mind as it was probably for the best. The teen perked up slightly when said man addressed him after his introduction. Giving a curt not in question to his nationality, Akira gave the vampire a simple smile, not sure of how to react to such a compliment. He already knew he was special, even where he was from, but hearing that other worlds too would treat him even more like a delicacy was rather uncomfortable; Slayer was nice, but he probably wouldn't want to go back to his world and visit. Then there was the little girl who had yet to introduce herself. Akira had to push up his glasses in order to get a better look at the yellow girl as she moved her hands and smiled softly as her timid introduction. Much like Slayer, he didn't know much sign language, but so long as he started studying it within the week, he'd get it down by then. [color=red][b]"The pleasure is mine, Six."[/b][/color] He replied to let her know that he was listening. Following into the Doom Train right behind Slayer, Akira immediately took a look at his surroundings. Any kind of monster you could think of was there and giving them looks as if they were the monsters. Sure, they did stick out a little bit, but that didn't mean they had to be rude about it... The crumbling golems not to far away were probably the creepiest to Akira, who didn't even spare another glance in that direction as he continued to follow Slayer, taking it upon himself to make sure that Six didn't get lost or anything. Stopping at a mostly vacant booth, the group of four shuffled in, Akira taking the side closest to the wall and directly across one of the bandaged creatures. Giving a quick nod of recognition, the trickster brought an elbow to the table and rested his chin on the palm of his hand, bringing his attention back to Slayer, who was sitting on the other side with the mummies so that they didn't have to; maybe he really wasn't that bad? Before he could let his mind wonder more about it, the intercom sprang to life, giving them a message that seemed to rile up the passengers. Akira himself wasn't sure what to make of it, so he waited for Slayer to give his two cents about who they were talking about before thinking about whether he should be worried or not. Getting information on Luigi and his brother left Akira curious as to what happened, but seeing how sensitive the topic was, he kept his mouth shut and let Slayer continue, mentioning that they should all get a feel for each other's powers, something that made Akira unintentionally smirk. It was just like the old days... He could already guess that Slayer would be a physical attacker, and The Heavy could be an offensive wall of sorts... maybe Six used magic? As Slayer went first to get them started, Akira made mental notes of the important and not so important things the man brought up, keeping in mind that he was slow and not a ranged fighter. Before Slayer could let out another puff of "bat smoke", Akira raised his hand slowly to get the group's attention and sat straight. [color=red][b]"Well, for me, after an unjust accusation forced me to leave my town and start a new life under Sojiro and Futaba Sakura, I created and am the leader of the Phantom Thieves of Hearts, a close knit group that stole the hearts of those who unjustly tried to get their way through terrible acts. Took their hearts hypothetically of course, as we only took the Treasures that made those people so evil and gave them a reason to come clean to their crimes. Aside from my group and confidants..."[/b][/color] Hesitation. [color=red][b]"...no one in my world knows of my identity and I plan to keep it that way. After fulfilling my purpose, I was just living as a normal boy until now.[/b][/color] He continued before reaching into his blazer pocket and pulling out a black and white birdlike domino mask, taking off his glassed in the process. A smile formed on his face as he looked down at the oh so familiar mask, the same one that he literally had to peel off his face, skin and all. It was pain back then, but now he had the strength to wear it without any issues. [color=red][b]"When I put this on..."[/b][/color] Akira trailed off as he replaced his glasses with the mask. A blue and black cold fire covered his body for a mere second before disappearing, reveal Akira in a new set of clothing: black ankle-length tailcoat, a high-necked waistcoat with gold accents, black jogger-style pants, brown-black winkle-pickers, and his red gloves that hadn't come off. The look in his eyes appeared less meek and more determined as he was now looking at Slayer. [color=red][b]"I have my Personas, embodiment of my true selves with me, allowing me to preform skills I wouldn't be able to otherwise. Unfortunately, I lost all of my Personas except for one, so I don't have much variety, but just interacting with me is enough to strengthen the Persona I have with me currently. I can perform ranged attacks, close quartered attacks, and I also have a gun, but I still only have the capabilities of an average male high school student.[/b][/color] He concluded before turning to look at The Heavy and Six, making sure that his gaze wasn't too piercing for the later by looking directly at The Heavy instead.