Just little things like this hahaha :) [hider=banners][img=http://i1344.photobucket.com/albums/p657/Rexcaiburr/BL3/Hectorbanner_zps143b7548.png] [img=http://i1344.photobucket.com/albums/p657/Rexcaiburr/BL3/Corbanner_zps20562e3b.png] [img=http://i1344.photobucket.com/albums/p657/Rexcaiburr/BL3/Moribanner_zps68f83774.png] [img=http://i1344.photobucket.com/albums/p657/Rexcaiburr/BL3/Maverbanner_zps2ef8af5c.png] [img=http://i1344.photobucket.com/albums/p657/Rexcaiburr/BL3/Baltibanner_zpsff7403b6.png][/hider] I went ahead and did a couple more to test how it'd look with the current pictures haha. I could fix the size and whatever for them later if you guys like this idea! I don't have much time to goof off right now so these look pretty crude at the moment, but yeah haha. Once spring break rolls around in two weeks, I can toy with making some abstract background for Malachi (and Grendel?) as well or something hahaha idk. I need to get back to my artistic side. ~__~