[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/UbZyQHq.png[/img][/center] [hr] [@Norschtalen] [hr] [h3] Hunting Mission [/h3] The girl was quick to follow, now pulling off her pauldrons and showing the bite. [color=a0410d](..Damn.)[/color] Lia took a swig to taste, then hungrily gulped the concoction. The hunter had a collection of remedies and antidotes-- but vampirism? Only tales. Some apothecaries offered silver dust suspended in clove oil, and some would straight out recommend stuffing chopped garlic in the wound. Perhaps now would be the time to test out these curatives? This hunt may just offer her enough gold to purchase the vial of silver. At this point, any recommendation to cure the affliction. Lia shakily tried to crush the garlic with the flat of her blade and rubbed the mush into the bite as it was being bandaged. She had to exhale slowly, else risk screaming in pain and giving away the two hunters' location. [color=a0410d]"You.. must not tell the others."[/color] She was gasping, swiping at the air until her hand had something to hold to: Iva's bicep. Even so soon, Lia could get a feel of how warm the other hunter was.. how the fluid within her pumped slowly, pulsating against the turning hunter's cold touch. [color=a0410d]"You.. must not tell the others."[/color] Lia's grip tightened, almost digger her nails at Iva's skin. Still, the blind hunter had control of her actions-- unlike the creature that lay limp nearby. Would this be her fate, too?