[hider=WIP][center][h1]Bronze Tiger[/h1] [h3]Michael-Johnathan "MJ" Turner[/h3] [h3]18 Years of Age[/h3] [hr] [img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-aPSwiknNycU/WRY2FFQNuRI/AAAAAAAAmkw/jK5OGezosnkQSiLD9Eyoi5at1loVtcO0gCJoC/w800-h800/bronze_tiger.jpg[/img] [hider=Civil Appearance][img]https://i.imgur.com/ZoST76l.png?1[/img][/hider][/center] Powers/Skills: [indent][i]Adept Martial Artist[/i] - From the time he could stand, MJ was taught by Richard Dragon in the ways of martial arts at the behest of his father. Being that he was being trained to be better than his father, he was pushed much harder, to the point of becoming one of the earth's most prodigious hand-to-hand fighters even at his young age.[/indent] Being exposed to the Tantu Totem at a very young age along with being the son of Vixen, MJ was given enhancements that could be classified into the "Bronze" at the beginning of his codename. [indent][indent][i][b]B[/b][color=goldenrod]rawn[/color][/i] - MJ possesses the peak level of strength and durability that a human at his age can achieve with a lifetime of training behind them. His durability is highly resistant against blunt attacks from attacks used with nothing more than brute force. He could take a sledgehammer to his abdomen and feel only mildly pained.[/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][i][b]R[/b][color=goldenrod]eflexes[/color][/i] - Possesses enhanced reflexes, dexterity, and agility to almost beyond peak level and is the second most asset that makes him comparable to even some super humans. He can catch arrows, dodge bullets from most automatic weapons after they've been fired, is ambidextrous, can balance near perfectly on any object and can change directions in the air laterally.[/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][i][b]O[/b][color=goldenrod]bservance[/color][/i] - The quality that makes him most seem like a Tiger, is his awareness and his five senses, having honed them to a level that few on earth can naturally achieve, even at times seeming supernatural.[/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][i][b]N[/b][color=goldenrod]aturality[/color][/i] - Has the ability to effectively understand and communicate with animals, as well as mimic their movements and even their sounds to a degree, from the Mighty Lion to the Humble Cricket.[/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][i][b]Z[/b][color=goldenrod]ealousness[/color][/i] - MJ possesses a strong zeal in whatever it is that he does, in a way making him an extremist in his whatever he dedicates himself to doing. When he sets his mind to something, he will find a way to achieve it, despite anything anyone may tell him. It often manifests itself into bravery where he will courageously go into any situation even if it seems that all odds are against him.[/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][i][b]E[/b][color=goldenrod]ndurance[/color][/i] - With his mentor's incredibly strict training, he has the ability to operate at a high level in the worst of conditions. He can go for two weeks without eating or drinking, fight for hours upon hours without rest, hold his breath underwater for an entire half hour, and remain conscious through most traumatic injuries, all at the same time.[/indent][/indent] Weaknesses/Limits: Despite all of his abilities, one fact remains. Bronze Tiger, is not so much a low level superhuman, but more of a top class human warrior. This would mean that he still possesses human weaknesses, such as poisons, bullets, sicknesses, eventual needs of hunger or thirst, sharp weapons, and overwhelming physical strength to name a few. Equipment: His father's Ninjato sword with the tiger design all along the hilt of the blade. Mentor: Richard Dragon History: MJ was the youngest son of Mari McCabe and Ben Turner, Vixen and Bronze Tiger respectively. Before he was born, his parents heads were being bid on by assassins, the biggest name, Deathstroke. Personality: TBD[/hider] To be finished later on.