Hearing the commotion, Tauriel rose a slight eyebrow. Yavanna just shook her head; it really seemed like Alfrid was hated among the residents of Lake Town people. As she paid attention to what Legolas was saying. The younger of the two she-elves, was quiet. Yavanna wondered if Saeril had similiar thoughts...but knowing the elder like she did. Yavanna guessed, it might have crossed her mind as well. "Gundabad." Both Tauriel and Yavanna whispered to themselves. The more, Yavanna heard that term...the more she realized, she heard it a long time ago...but she could not place the particular memory, as to when she did. At least, not in that moment. "Why are they even hunting you?" Tauriel asked looking at Yavanna...asking about just her...not the rest of the company. Yavanna looked at the red-haired she-elf. "The Goblin King and Azog, seemed to have had an alliance. He seemed to think, that I'd be of interest to Azog...why that is...your guess is as good as mine. The Goblin King is dead, but his word had spread before." Yavanna said honestly, there could have been many reasons why Azog would be interested in her.