WIP cause I'm lazy and still in a half food coma. [hider=The Black hand] Legal Name: Ryan Tanaka Hero Name: The Black hand Age:24 Appearance: face claim:[img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/66/2a/22/662a2212ebc5b2c721c89355b17a5ec7--people-drawings-drawing-people.jpg[/img] Body Armor:[img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/7a/1e/89/7a1e89ee08693d68c3b2c35ccb4ed556--sci-fi-armor-cyberpunk-armor.jpg[/img] Powers/Skills: Ryan is trained in multiple martial arts along with skill as an unarmed assassin. He has been trained fo ignore pain and withstand more then your average person. Gifted with limited telekinesis such as throwing or pulling small objects towards him and enhanced jumping. Weaknesses/Limits: At the end of the day Ryan is human. Gun fire and fatel wounds will still kill him. Equipment: Ballistic and knife resistant body armor. Smoke pellet's, flash bang grenades, wrist mounted grappling hook. [url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/52/1c/14/521c145c799262e9282d416315c12cef--survival-knife-survival-gear.jpg] A custom Sword[/url] Mentor: N/A History: Ryan was born the eldest of the two adopted children of Aiko Tanaka, former member of the Brotherhood and the previous lead black hand. Abandoned as a child with his sister at Aiko's home. For much of his young life Ryan lived a happy childhood with a loving mother and sister. Life stayed the same until the age of 15. During the winter of his 15th year ryan would meet the brotherhood. The secretive organization had hunted down his mother for betrayal and abandonment of the brotherhood. When they were unsuccessful they went with a back up plan. While his mother delt with an attack, Ryan was taken by agents of the brotherhood. He was brainwashed, mind twisted from the warm loving child he had been. The brotherhood had once been little more then a regional gang with little interest outside of making money or fighting their rivals. Under their new overseer the brotherhood had become a global organization determined to make a new perfect world. Personality:Ryan has become a cruel and violent individual. His total lack of empathy has [/hider] [hider=long shot] Legal Name: Isabella Tanaka Hero Name:Long shot Age:19 Appearance: Face claim:[img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT5YHkvxmJoFzf9pi72SYVxzjBx62HDcBHgkIIvIkKFWsfo1E2N [/img] Armor/uniform:[img]https://img00.deviantart.net/ce05/i/2015/162/6/8/aerofly_archer_outfit_complete_by_blbarrett-d8wwp7b.jpg[/img] Powers/Skills: Isabella has a world champion Archer. Along with her skill with a bow she is very aerobic and athletic. Weaknesses/Limits: Isabella is human basically anything that would kill a human Equipment: custom built bow, kevlar body lined body armor, various kind of arrows. Mentor (If applicable) none History: like her brother, Isabella had a good life in her youth. Even after the disappearance of her brother Isabella's life was considered okay. At a young age she had a fascination with the bow and arrow, seeing it as a connection to a more honorable time. When her brother was taken she vowed to find him. Personality:[/hider]