Des was laid out not far from the camp's central point, his head resting on his dust ridden pack and hands folded on his chest. His hat, battered as the rest of his clothes, was tipped over his face and hiding most of it from the sun. He had been awake for some time now, listening to the camp wake around him and start their day. He waited for the boss's voice though, that was the only one that really warranted paying attention to far as he was concerned. Certainly in the morning hours when he'd rather still be sleeping. As he usual orchestrated, he wasn't far from Cinnamon. His surrogate sister called him paranoid and over protective, Des was rarely ever out of ear shot from her if he had anything to say about. Which he usually made a point to have. His biggest opposition on the matter was Cin herself, but this morning it didn't seem to be much of an issue for her. She'd flopped down the night before close by, and this morning was sifting through her things near by. "Maybe if you stopped buying cheap ass cups they'd stop breakin" Cin shot in Alex's direction, huffing as if insulted by the term 'klutz'. There was a snicker from under Des's hat but she ignored it, tucking a strand of her unruly auburn hair behind her ear and returning to searching her pack. "Quality over quantity, a dozen cheap cups are no good to no person if they break soon as you set them down." "As if you've got anything of quality" Snorted Des, finally rising from the dust and tipping his head back. Cin stuck her tongue out his way, throwing a spare boot in his direction which he managed to dodge bleary eyed though he was. "Take that back 'afor Trip hears you!" She scolded, catching the boot when it was thrown back at her an unable to keep the sever look she'd adopted on her face for more then a second. Not when Des reached out and ruffled her hair and mumbled his usual disgruntled sounding 'mornin' trouble'