Shaidra crept backwards. She pulled one of her delicate hands upwards and pointed at Jenso, her eyes streaking viciously with colour.[color=black]"Wrong. [color=003471]That's wrong. I didn't take it,"[/color][/color] She paused and her stance straightened a little more. [color=1b1464]"That's not why... How... You're w[color=black]... Wrong..."[/color][/color] Her eyes were clouded again. Shaidra stepped back further and dropped down to her knees, clasping her ears. The sky above them began to toss and turn, like the air itself was folding to account for so much empty space. Dark shades of black whirled and looped through openings in the fabric of space, and the ground beneath them began to quake. Bruce and Alvios witnessed the same disastrous effects as their dimensions began to fall apart. [color=black]"Whe-Want-We are not- I am [color=1b1464]not![/color] Stop!"[/color] Shaidra planted her hands into the ground and encompassed her entire body in a vicious black smoke. The silhouette of her void energy took the form of a feral beast, and she charged towards him, her ethereal mouth wide open.