Searching for the Arkenstone was trying...Thorin had almost everyone looking for it. Apart from Delva...he and his brother managed to persuade her to stay away from the treasure stop her and their uncle from Arguing. Climbing up another heap...he shuffled through the search of the Gem, his uncle wanted. Kili sighed, as he and his brother finally came to some rest. "Of course, I remember..Where could it have gone?" Kili muttered. It was not like, it could have gotten that far...surely, it must be here somewhere. Even though Kili knew the description of the Gem, like the back of his was no where visible in sight. After a while, of rest. They were at it again...but Kili managed to sneak away from the treasure hoard. He ducked, hiding behind one pile..when his uncle turned around. "Keep looking! It must be here." Thorin's voice boomed, before he turned else-where to look in another direction. Seizing his chance, Kili sneaked past his uncle. Running off to find Saeril. He was worried about her and went to see if she was okay. [hr] As Tauriel rode besides Yavanna and Legolas, she glanced over at Yavanna softly. "If you don't mind me did you do it?" Tauriel asked Yavanna softly, in reference to the wave she had summoned in Mirkwood. "I never known anyone, do that before." she admitted. Tauriel been wondering about her bloodline...but had been the first one to ask about it. It took Yavanna a moment, to remember what Tauriel meant and she smiled softly. "It was something, my elder sister taught me. Special Talents, run in my family." Yavanna said, 'talents'...that was one way to describe it. Or for a lack of better word, complicated bloodlines.