[hider=Bawen Coridell] [b]Name:[/b] Bawen Coridell [b]Appearance:[/b] Standing at a pathetic 5'0, most people see Bawen as little more than a pair of yellow-tan horns nestled quietly in a mess of curly black hair just below their sightline. He seems almost painfully thin, what little muscle visible tightly corded beneath pale skin almost begging for natural sunlight. The only color to him seems to be the considerable bags under his eyes, smokey and flushed purple from far too little sleep. If asked, he'd likely say he weighs around 100 pounds, though how accurate this is is debatable. His eyes seem to be the only feature that do not scream of neglect or disinterest, self inflicted or otherwise. They are odd things, an unnaturally bright blue iris around a squared pupil with an alertness entirely at odds with rest of himself. [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Species:[/b] 3rd generation Sheep Chimera (Medium) [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Occupation:[/b] Student 1st year. [b]Personality:[/b] Bawen is at once both deathly loyal to his family and utterly terrified of not meeting their exceedingly high expectations of him. As such he is dedicated to his studies to the point of borderline self-destruction, often spending days without sleep or food to mastering even the most innocuous elements of magecraft. He has immense difficulty in speaking to other people, and is easily frustrated when they inevitably fail to follow his train of thought (which is often somewhat inverted from the norm, in fairness). Due to his family, he is disgusted with his status as a chimera, and tends to be somewhat subservient to 'pure blood' humans. [b]Openness to Experience:[/b] 40 [b]Neuroticism:[/b] 80 [b]Agreeableness:[/b] 40 [b]Extroversion:[/b] 20 [b]Conscientiousness:[/b] 70 [b]Attributes:[/b] [b]Strength:[/b] 4 [b]Endurance:[/b] 10 [b]Constitution:[/b] 3 [b]Agility:[/b] 3 [b]Dexterity:[/b] 3 [b]Intelligence:[/b] 7 [b]Wisdom:[/b] 3 [b]Charisma:[/b] 7 [b]Magic Type Preference:[/b] [b]Null magic[/b]-Walking awkwardly between traditional conjuration and alteration schools, Null magic deals with using one's strength of Compromise and Vision to deny reality, and thus evoke change. Where as a 'normal' mage may use magic to will an object into existence, a Null mage will use their magic to deny the desired objects non-existence. Though similar, Mages skilled in null magic can be difficult for other compromise and vision based mages to deal with, as their evocations are often layered with contradictions and double think. However, it is especially vulnerable to foundation base casters, whose grounding in reality insulate them heavily from the intentionally backwards logic null mages employ. [b]Innate Magic Talent:[/b] [b]Double space[/b]- By denying the idea that something occupies the space it currently is while simultaneously denying it is not NOT in a space he desires it to be, Bawen is capable of teleporting both himself and objects. While teleporting others is possible, it is best avoided, as minds not accustomed to Null logic may resist the spell out of reflex. [b]Interests:[/b] logic puzzles, study / research, poorly conceived (and written) romantic novels, crotchet, that feeling you get right before you body passes out from exhaustion. [b]Skills:[/b] Can stay awake for a week at a time if left to his own devices(and will). Speaks Airelosian fluently. Magical energy reserves for days if you could ever get him to properly take care of himself. Bleats when surprised (which isn't really a skill, but it is cute.) [b]Biography:[/b] By the time he was four, Bawen was keenly aware of the reputation of the Coridell family. Every Chimera who made their home along the coast south-east of the Unoctocan Empire did, and for good reason. Their presence in the region was as much a constant as the razor fields, and far more dangerous He could remember the village apothecary scaring him and his playmates with bogeyman esq tales of Coridell ships slipping silently into towns to steal away ill behaved boys and girls to make grotesque trophies of them. The truth, however, was that they were originally a few Airelosians families who had fled their homes after some failed coup long since forgotten. A token effort at founding a new ‘nation’ was made, but was little more than a self-indulgent game of pretend for the idle mercenaries. And for a long time, that was as much as there was to it. The Coridells were, if he were being objective, nothing more than one of many domestic dangers that peppered the free territoires for much of their history. They’d only come into any ‘real’ form of power after selling their services to the Empire as ‘privateers’. A task they completed with a thoroughness that shocked even the Airelosians. He heard it said that it was actually possible to determine to the day when a port town was destroyed by simply measuring the depth of the crater where it once stood. He was eleven when he first met his father, whose preoccupation with the war effort had, to borrow his own words ‘distracted’ him from Bawen’s existence. The reunion was far from the saccharine ordeal the boy had envisioned it would be. The elder Coridell seemed to look through him as he explained why he summoned them, stopping only to hush the fussy toddler perched on his knee with uncharacteristic gentleness. Though now arguably one of the wealthier families in the free territories, the war had ended on a less than ideal note for the once proud ‘privateers’ of the empire. Unoctoc, though more than happy to maintain a token friendship, found the Coridells and their lands too rabid to be accepted as Imperial citizens, and the war-profiteers found themselves missing the steady income their patrons once provided. That Airelosia was watching them, silently hungry for revenge, was also a concern, albeit one that rung dimly in the halls of the estate. Though they had free reign to come and go as they pleased, true membership was not an option until the softened their considerably harsh image. A task which was to fall to Bawen. In exchange, both he and his mother would be accepted into the family, despite their ‘condition’. Needless to say, refusing was not an option either chimera was eager to explore. Bawen attempted to resist at first, accepting his lessons purely as a matter of survival. But the threats of summary execution where constant and reminders of his status as a lesser thing too frequent to ignore. He can't remember when he finally accepted it as truth. But it was his truth now as much as it was theirs, and he found himself mostly enjoying his new home not long after. His father Harkin was kind when Bawen obeyed, at times he almost seemed proud, and he was nearly brought to tears whenever his younger brother Doril asked him to play. He never accepted, of course. There was too much to do and it would not have been proper. His step mother Raja was difficult to read, their exchanges often being limited to orders grunted in disgust, but there was a comfort in the indifference at least. His actual mother proved to be the most wearing, always staring at him as if something had be ripped from his hands. He avoided speaking to her whenever possible. Their conversations were rarely productive in anyway and he refused to let the other chimera infect him with whatever it was that ate at her. His acceptance letter to Mordhaben’s was a welcomed excuse to be free of her and, more importantly, finally start improving his family's reputation. [/hider]