[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/xOwoo7E.png[/img][/center] [color=gray][hr] Mark was in the process of brutalizing his meal when he felt a hand being laid on his head. He wheeled around, and reacted in the way that only someone who sleeps with their uniform on could. [color=green]"SOLDIER, IS THIS A DECLARATION OF WAR?!?, VERY WELL TH-"[/color] He interpreted the action as an invitation to spar, but let out a solid [color=green]"WHAT"[/color] as soon as he registered the hand belonging to a girl. First it was girls being officials, and now one of them wanted to fight him? Mark narrowed his eyes while trying to accept this, but it felt like the mental version of placing the circle peg in the square hole. When it came to reading people outside of coaching magic, he had the book upside down. Another student now began to laugh at unfolding scene in the background. When he thought about the things girls did his mind struggled to fetch anything other than a blank image. Thinking even harder, he recalled that a lot of the newspapers that he would read often advertised machinery, with a well-dressed woman standing near it and smiling. Did girls do that as a pasttime? Was [i]that[/i] her true goal? Mark was out of his seat now, with no effort taken into wiping the trails of fruit juice and blood from his face. He addressed the calm girl in front of him now with confusion, pointing a finger at her face with vigor. [color=green]"I DID NOT COME HERE TO BUY MACHINERY SOLDIER, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. I ALSO DO NOT POSSESS THE FORMAL CLOTHING NEEDED TO STAND AROUND IT EITHER, IF -THAT'S- WHAT YOU ARE ASKING."[/color] Mark then continued his speech. [color=green]"PATTING OTHERS ON THE HEAD IS A DISPLAY OF SHAMEFUL AND INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR, BUT I WILL DISMISS IT TODAY DUE TO YOUR IGNORANCE IN THE SOLDIER WAY OF LIFE."[/color] He saluted and sat down again, the tone of his voice shifting from loud to loud-but-less-loud-and-more-friendly. [color=green]"IF YOU EXCUSE ME SOLDIER, I WILL CONTINUE TO ENERGIZE MY BODY. YOU ARE WELCOME TO JOIN AS A FELLOW STUDENT."[/color] Mark began to vigorously lick his tray clean, wondering just how radically different this place was from his home. Everybody was so [i]strange[/i] when compared to him, he thought.[/color]