Atticus was sort of glad for the quiet morning, though, seeing how Lia and Kat just acted towards each other made him wonder just how much he and Mitch didn't actually see. They seemed a lot closer in moments like this, and it was sweet but puzzling all the same. Lia hadn't always been the easiest person to be around, and neither had Kat. Though, he knew he hadn't had [i]half[/i] the trouble with Kat that Mitch did with Lia. Still, once Kat sat beside him, he smiled. She had expressed that she would love to hear the rest of his story and he nodded. "Alright, we could always go for a walk and I could tell you the story. I'll even start from the beginning. To be honest, I might have went on a little bit after you fell asleep and don't know what all you remember of it." He was inwardly relieved that she said she would bundle up if they went outside. Granted, yes, he was aware that she had lived in the North for... Well, he whole life, but he also knew that getting sick was a very real thing for her. He got up after a moment and he started making some tea. The thought hadn't even fully crossed his mind that Mitch would still be asleep. In the entire time he had known Mitch, though he knew he was probably the furthest thing from a morning person, he knew he was always up early because of the schedule that had to keep. This was why he highly doubted that Mitch was still asleep, especially with as hypervigilant as he had been the night before. Then again, that very easily could have been what had worn him out. "Oh, Kat." Lia's voice came. "The seamstresses will probably be by this evening with the sun coming out today. So, kind of be thinking about what you'll want, okay?" Atticus had already almost entirely forgotten about the ball, but he sat there and he thought for a moment. Well, he already knew that he had two days where Kat wouldn't be getting lessons, maybe... Maybe he could do something for her with her birthday being tomorrow. He had an idea come through his mind, and he felt himself smile a little. He'd tell her in a bit, when they could get away from Lia. However, his thoughts were interrupted as he made his tea and he heard Edgar coming over, seeing Kat feed him. "Seriously, so weirded out if she does." he whispered back to Kat as he heard shuffling across the floor as Mitch made his way to his seat. It was weird to see him still not awake because, even when they met up in the morning to come to the cottage, he was at least functioning. This was basic low-level functioning. He couldn't help the small chuckle that he let out at Mitch's reaction to Kat's greeting. "Morning man." he said, taking a sip of his tea. Mitch's next statement almost made his tea come out of his nose when he laughed. That was very typical Mitch, and he even heard a soft chuckle come from Lia who was taking the last batch of muffins from the oven. "Mitch and his cookies." he whispered to Kat as he reached over to the muffins Lia had just pulled out and buttered. "I wouldn't, At, they're still very hot." she said, not even turning to look at him when she said it. He had to admit, as he picked one up and quickly placed it in front of Kat, that she was NOT wrong. They were very hot, but that was when they were best. Then he quickly grabbed one for himself and sat down, breaking it apart and waiting a minute before he tried to start eating it. "So is there anything on the agenda for today with no lessons?" Atticus asked, and Lia shook her head. "Other than later on today when the seamstresses come, no, but that's after sundown, so it's a free day." she said, getting her mixing bowls ready and another few ingredients. -- Lia sighed a bit, her mind being a bit hazy. The lack of sleep, the cold having settled in finally, everything was just making her a bit hazy. Lessons would be useless today if she had attempted them, but she was kind of glad that she was giving them a couple day break, even if Kat didn't know about lessons being canceled the next day. Speaking of, she really hoped that Kat would go off with Atticus later on because she would need to let Mitch know Atticus's little plan. She shook her head a bit, sipping her coffee, kind of spacing out as she did. She barely told Kat about the seamstresses before she spaced out entirely. [i]The snow was thick on the ground, and all Lia could do was look out of the dark windows as the snow started up again. Mitch would be here soon, and she sighed, looking back towards the clock. Four in the morning. Her eyes looked down towards her hands, and she shook her head and went back to what she as doing, yawning a bit. She had a batch of muffins in the oven, and she had just finished making the dough for some cookies and had it in the fridge as she began on her next bit of dough for cookies. Christmas time used to be so special for her, but now it was just sad. Still, she couldn't help but to bake. She sighed, softly, and she looked towards the clock and sighed. She knew the timer for the muffins would go off in a few minutes, so, she waited and when it finally did and she got them out, she set them aside before she lit a couple of candles on the table. She looked to the door, Mitch wouldn't be here for a little bit still, so that was a plus, but she just... She couldn't do it anymore, she needed to talk to someone. She closed her eyes and chanted, quietly before she stopped. When she did, she looked beside her and saw the figure of her father sitting there beside her and he reached out to touch her. It didn't work though, and he looked at her. "[b]It's been a very long time, dear. What troubles you?[/b]" he asked her, and he watched as she looked at the ground. "[b]It's Christmas time, isn't it? Why didn't you call for Bianca like you usually do?[/b]" "Because, I wanted to see you, father." she said, and she reached over and placed her hand on his, and he was surprised to see that she didn't phase through him. "I promise, father, I'm not practicing anymore. It's just a trick I picked up a long time ago." He gave her a gentle nod and he spoke. "[b]So, I see you made it to the North. Bianca said that you've met Checkov. How is he? Cassandra used to speak so highly of him.[/b]" he said, trying to make small talk with her and she gave a gentle smile. "He is... He kind of reminds me of you. Just, you know, a vampire and more sadistic. Maybe even a little bit more possessive. He likes to call me 'his witch.' It blows over so well if you can't tell." she said, and her father chuckled. [b]"That sounds about right. Cassandra may have spoke highly of him, but that doesn't mean she wasn't honest.[/b]" She saw his head turn. "[b]You better let me go dear. Someone is coming."[/b] Lia gave a gentle nod and she felt her father kiss her cheek. "I love you, Papa." she whispered and he smiled. [b]"I love you too."[/b] he said before he disappeared. Lia blew out the candles and got up, heading over to the fridge and taking out the cookie dough she had made and pulled out the grape jam as well. The door opened not long after and she poured Mitch's coffee, setting the cup where he usually sat after she did. She went back to her cookie dough and held the the grape jam up to him. "You said you liked grape, right?"[/i] Lia's thoughts were drawn back when she heard the soft quacks from Edgar. She patted the little duckling's head and watched as he waddled to sit on her foot and she lifted him up and placed him in the large pocket of her robe and watched him poke his head out. It wasn't long after she saw Mitch come into the kitchen. She couldn't help but to watch him a moment, seeing how he reacted to Kat before he looked around the kitchen. Lia couldn't help the soft chuckle. "I haven't yet, I have to get out the step stool to get more flour down." she told him. "Be glad I sent At to the kitchen earlier, otherwise I might not have had enough peanut butter to make any." she said. She felt a small pause for a few minutes before she heard Atticus ask. "So, what exactly is s'mores pie?" he asked. Lia turned and looked at him a minute before she sighed. "Well, it's got a graham cracker crust with chocolate pie filling, a layer of marshmallow fluff, another layer of pie filling and then whipped cream with graham crackers on top. Something someone taught me a long time ago." she said. Atticus nodded. "Oh, okay." he said, "So, what's with all the baking?" he asked, and Lia shrugged. "I felt like it. I find it very relaxing." She said before hearing Edgar quack. "I'll be back." she said. She headed on the front porch for a few minutes, drawing her robe closer around her as she set Edgar on the ground. She watched him waddle around for a few minutes before she cast a small heating spell on the patch of grass he was walking around on. She just watched him for a few minutes, bringing her robe closer around her as she did. "Come on, Edgar. It's cold out here."