[center][h3][color=000056]Chaska[/color][/h3][/center][@Sapphire][hr] Having seen that a fair number of People were now present, Chaska gently pushed the small pile of books to the feet of Alex and stood. He glanced slowly to the faces of each person near him, nodded at them collectively, and turned on his heel. He had never been particularly fond of groups, something that shouldn't be particularly unexpected given the nature of his upbringing. It was much harder to fight a group than it was a single person after all, and while he had become strong enough to handle groups of four or five on his reservation, they hadn't been as gifted as his current peers. He walked at a steady pace, his boots tapping against the ground slightly as he did so, making his way once again to the his dorm. He unlocked the door silently, and after taking off his boots, stepped in; ignoring whether or not his room-mate Tyler was present. He tossed his towel into a laundry hamper just next to his bed, and set his boots on a small rack near the entrance. One of his earliest rules with his room-mate is that shoes [i]were not[/i] to be worn in the house, the mess they made was not worth the minor convenience of keeping them on. After a few moments of standing in the middle of his room, Chaska sat down on his bed and laid back, letting out a long sigh, followed by a slight groan. He was still very, [i]very[/i] nauseous from the earlier meditation.