[h2][center][color=6ecff6][b]Amaya Vanisis[/b][/color][/center][/h2] [Center][@Joshua Tamashii][@caits][@Demon Shinobi][/center] Amaya Nodded Smiling as she gave him a quick hug feeling a lot better. He always knew what to say or do to make her feel better. She made sure to have everything she wanted as she picked up her bag before she picked Cecilia up sitting her inside her messenger bag. Cecilia moved around some but decided to stay asleep. Amaya headed out of her room taking a deep breath before she eyes widen "What..."she whispered hurrying down stopping to find the source of the scent...[color=6ecff6]"Zero....you jerk."[/color]she exclaimed moving through the crowd towards the fellow dragonslayer. She stopped her raging though when she saw sasha and heard how they were wanting dragonslayers [color=6ecff6]"Uh Sasha...Me and Joshua are wishing to come along to the island...If that is okay with you...I just feel I might find why mom sent me here...why she disappeared."[/color]said Amaya. Cecilia poked her head out of the messenger bag yawning [color=f6989d]"I smell another slayer."[/color]she commented [color=6ecff6]"oh Cecilia that is zero/zeoram"[/color]she [color=6ecff6]said "he is more or less my brother in many ways now go back to sleep."[/color]said amaya [h2][center][b][color=a0410d]Raiden[/color],[color=f7976a] Rose [/color]and [color=1a7b30]Ryu[/color] Yashia[/b][/center][/h2] [color=f7976a]"that is why he is called the golem...he is set in stone in his ways. please bare with him, he just isn't use to the way things are and doesn't want something to happen."she said "I am not worried about you leaving or anything"[/color]she added before listening to lucus before smiling [color=f7976a]'oh there is a certain guild master's daughter...he tried talking to at the games."[/color]Said rose causing ryu to spit out his tea coughing some [color=1a7b30]"yes do I have a crush, yes. am I able to talk to her , no my tounge gets caught up and I cant talk right."[/color]said ryu cleaning his mess [color=1a7b30]"and if you even dare breath a word about it to her...your wind will not protect you."[/color]said ryu narrowing his eyes as his face was incrediably red