[center][h2][color=yellow] [img]http://i.imgur.com/2maKZxv.png[/img][/color][/h2] [h3]PHYSICAL EDUCATION[/h3] [sub][@Krayzikk][/sub] [/center] The classroom burst into conversation after their musclebound teacher made his introduction, along with a late student arriving. The teacher was, helpfully enough, aware that football could mean several things and explained what version they would be playing. Although Krysanthe wasn't familiar with this particular version it didn't sound too difficult, plus it was only PE, it wasn't like they'd be expected to play like professionals anyway. More importantly they were to be split into two teams, however the process for doing such was not explained. Benjamin and Trad eh? Krysanthe looked at the two individuals in question, as several other students likely would. Benjamin looked overall rather average, albeit slightly athletic: while Trad looked much the same, although perhaps a bit more mature. Krysanthe shrugged and walked over towards Benjamin, [color=yellow]"Hey cap'n, are we shirts or skins?"[/color] she asked cheerily. Teach hadn't said anything to indicate teams otherwise so they were probably going with that. She didn't really mind either way and it was a decent ice breaker.