[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/366129818791575552/380647619980034048/Felixwilliams.png[/img][/center] [i]"Do you think I'll ever control my powers properly?"[/i] That line of questioning gave him pause to think. While it was true that his own admittedly volatile temper had always been a problem, it was very slowly yetting better as he bit his tongue and chosen to walk away. Even stay quiet from time to time. Usually with a glare to accompany the silence. That hadn't been the case with Dia as they'd learned. Equally tempermental, the girl was quick to retaliate even when it went against her desires. Teachers had explained it away as some nonsense about balance yet Felix wasn't so sure. For all the flaws in the gym teacher he trusted Manilows assessment on the situation more. "Someone told me that when you can't control it, no matter how hard you try, it means your raw ability beats your willpower. So.. I'd have to agree. You'll learn to hold it but worrying over it won't help you.". Felix had a similar issue on the first few weeks at the academy, his sheer anger had made his own power boil over uncontrollably. At one point literally exploding. Maybe Dia needed that same kind of outlet, a place she could go to her absolute limits without harming anything. The entire time he considered the options available his hands worked from a tight grip across her back in a crushing hug down to a soft caress ever downward. By now both hands were idly at her hips, causing him to blush at the realization. "You'll get where you need to go, babe. Could be today, might be in a month, but I'm gonna be with you every step of the way till we get there. Promise."