It was dark, for white some time. His body felt nothing, moved little. Everything Nasim did was purely dependent upon the bodies natural instinct to survive. It worked tirelessly to repair itself, body blazing with a cold sweat fever. The air around him was ice cold, dropping his temperature yet a fever raged inside of him. Several bones were fractured, some sprained, a few broken. It was mostly his ribs and left ankle, though most of the damage was avoided thanks to the beats the human had no knowledge of existing, save for ancient tales of a spirit that watched over their townspeople in the olden times. They were nothing but fairytales to whisper to children. They ignited dreams and whispers of other mystical creatures. They were nothing but fabels least that's what Nasim was convinced of. He wouldn't learn of his mistake for several days. He was cold and working on recovery without anything more than a warm furred body wrapped around him. The day after being taken to the cave, the human stirred for only a moment. Heavy eyelids fluttered yet did not open. Whatever consciousness was trying to claw forwards lost its battle fairly quickly. The third day was silent, a soft groan of pain here and there but there was no big change until the fifth day. That day Nasim did more than groan or let his eyelids flutter. No, his eyes opened, cracking ever so slightly to peer up at the world. His head ached and his throat was dry. His tongue pressed out only to swipe over dry, cracked lips. Nasim groaned, fingers twitching at his sides. He struggled to move, body slowly coming to as he worked on moving his limbs. Everything hurt to a nearly blinding degree. He didnt remember much of what happened, only a towering wall of white, a pounding roar, and then darkness. His chest burned with each inhale of breathe, the effort to sit up proving futile as his body refused to cooperate. He was in too much pain, too weak to do anything. A cry bubbled up, weak and pitiful. Nasim didn't know where he was or why. He could only assume he was dragged here by some wild animal for whatever reason. If that was the case then why was he alive now? The question was fleeting as he turned his head, groaning as the pain flared, tingling up the back of his neck and spreading around the top of his skull. Tears brimmed, a choked sob, as the pain verged on too much. He didn't understand. Where was he? Why was he here? Where was his father? Mother? Sister? Nothing made sense!