[quote=@Dynamo Frokane] Remember everyone, its not about how rich, fast, tall, strong or handsome you are its whats on the inside that counts.[/quote] True dat. [quote] [@catchamber][@POOHEAD189][@Penny] Oh and poohead youre 5'10-5'11 thats pretty tall where I'm from, just because some girls expect 6' to be the average doesnt make it true, hold your head up high. [/quote] Honestly, I think that is the case everywhere [i]but[/i] here lol. About 60% of the men in Birmingham are 6'1 white dudes with blue eyes and weigh over 185 pounds. I'm 5'10-5'11 depending on what doctor I see, tan with dark features, and when I'm completely bulked out I'm 165 pounds (People always guess I am heavier with how I work out but that's never been the case. Guess I'm just light). Then again I'm kind of exaggerating with the Alabama dudes. I know more than a few my height or shorter, but I'm definitely on the mid to lower scale here, even though every other state I visit I'm on the upper scales. I was [i]definitely[/i] taller when I went to Britain. It's weird how height differs between regions. Japan's average male height is 5'5, for instance. [quote]The tom cruise arguement is kinda stupid, hes rich and famous with 25 years of A-list starring roles, of course women are going to overlook his height. I hear the same arguement for gingers because of Ed Sheeran. Yes being ginger (male) isnt a death sentence if you happen to be a record breaking international music star too. I wish we would stop using celebs as examples for the average person, they quite literally embody the exception to the rule.[/quote] Well it was more how my buddy would feel about himself than what women would think of him, but I getcha.