Now that essentially everyone who has expressed interest has made up a character sheet, it's time to move onto the last part of character stuff before we can get started playing out the story! Before we get into the game proper, we should have a discussion about the nature of our teams. As I mentioned, it's going to be two teams, one for each guild, and for ease of GM'ing and storyline purposes I'd quite like it if it stayed that way. At the very least I will be providing NPC interactions and questlines for only the two groups, so it's probably best if you stick with one. As such, it's probably not a bad idea to have a discussion about your teams and come to an understanding with your fellow guildies to determine how your team operates. For ease of discussion purposes, I shall set the scene for you all in short: both of the guild masters have made a statement recently to the effect that with the S-class exams coming up, anyone who would be seen as a candidate will have to have completed, or been part of the completion of a 'great feat'. No further information is forthcoming from either guild master on what this/these great feats might be, but you're aware it's outside the scope of regular jobs. This in mind, I'd like everyone to post up with why they've 'decided' to join together in these teams. You'll also have to collectively decide on how leadership works in your team (is there a designated 'leader' who makes functional decisions? some other system or process?). Finally you'll have to decide on the nature of your team, have you been a team for ages? Two teams joining because of the announcement? One team with a bunch of new people joining up? Once this is all done I'll create a note about both teams in the first post in the characters tab. Also, this is a reminder to get your opinions/relationships written up! Your character isn't formally approved to post in the IC thread unless you've got a reasonable amount done. Feel free to ask if you have any questions