[center][img]https://db4sgowjqfwig.cloudfront.net/campaigns/33680/banners/298837/carrioncrown_title.jpg?1398104802[/img][/center] [center][sub][url =https://soundcloud.com/duopantastic/e-satie-3-gymnop-dies-3-lent][Music: Reading the Professor's Will][/url][/sub][/center] [hr][color silver][center] ℜ𝔞𝔳𝔢𝔫𝔤𝔯𝔬 | 12𝔱𝔥 𝔬𝔣 ℜ𝔬𝔳𝔞, 4711 | 1900 [/center][/color][hr] A dark figure stood on the porch of the Lorrimor Estate. The day was relatively overcast, not that it was an uncommon occurrence for the small town; [i]most[/i] of their days seemed to be overcast. However, the setting sun combined with the thick clouds meant that it was quickly growing darker. As the faint shadows stretched across the landscape, the figure at the entrance raised his hand again, demanding entry. The pounding of the door rang through the common room once more, and Kendra, desperately trying to find some form of coaster to set her cup down on, finally relented by setting in on the side table, and hopping out of her seat. "[color palevioletred]Oh! That'd be the councilman now! Please, everyone have a seat, I'll bring him in right away![/color]" Iris took a seat beside the teapot, conveniently located at the rough corner of the sitting room where the group had converged, wondering if this was as simple a matter as a will and testament. Given what the Professor had insisted he learn prior to the unfortunate funeral, the courtesan doubted the matter was at all simple. From the space in the common room, you can all see Kendra swing open the large oaken doors and address an unseen figure; beckoning him to come inside, judging by her hand gestures. Into the house, and after only a few loud steps into the common room, walks who you can only assume to be Councilman Hearthmount. The councilman is quite a large figure, in width more than in any sort of imposing form. His hair is slicked across his head, similar to his pencil mustache and small goatee, which are also slicked down. He does not give any introduction, his beady eyes glancing quickly over each and every one of you. It's very clear, even on the surface, that he does not approve of outsiders being involved in local matters. Or, that's what you could best attribute his apparent disdain for. Kendra takes a seat in her armchair as the councilman produces a large scroll case, shows of the Professor's personal seal (which is unbroken), then breaks the wax and opens the case. As he does, a small iron key falls out of the scroll tube, clattering noisily against the floor. Hearthmount, undaunted by the key, unfurls the scroll contained within and begins to read aloud, clearing his throat once before he does. [color f7976a]“I, Petros Lorrimor, being of sound mind, do hereby commit to this parchment my last will and testament. Let it be known that, with the exception of the specific details below, I leave my personal belongings entire to my daughter Kendra. Use them or sell them as you see fit, my child. I know you have never found peace in Ravengro, and have always longed to go back to the city, so I have arranged for an interested person to buy the estate.” “Yet beyond the bequeathing of my personal effects, this document must serve other needs. I have arranged for the reading of this document to be delayed until all principals can be in attendance, for I have more than mere inheritance to apportion. I have two final favors to ask.” “To my old friends, I hate to impose upon you all, but there are few others who are capable of appreciating the true significance of what it is I have to ask. As some of you know, I have devoted many of my studies to all manner of evil, that I might know the enemy and inform those better positioned to stand against it. For knowledge of one’s enemy is the surest path to victory over its plans.” “And so, over the course of my lifetime, I have seen fit to acquire a significant collection of valuable but dangerous tomes, any one of which in the wrong circumstances could have led to an awkward legal situation. While the majority of these tomes remain safe under lock and key at the Lepidstadt University, I fear that a few I have borrowed remain in a trunk in my Ravengro home. While invaluable for my work in life, in death, I would prefer not to burden my daughter with the darker side of my profession, or worse still, the danger of possessing these tomes herself. As such, I am entrusting my chest of tomes to you, posthumously. I ask that you please deliver the collection to my colleagues at the University of Lepidstadt, who will put them to good use for the betterment of the cause. “ “Yet before you leave for Lepidstadt, there is the matter of another favor—please delay your journey a few weeks and spend that period of time here in Ravengro to ensure that my daughter is safe and sound. She has no one to count on now that I am gone, and if you would aid her in setting things in order before the buyer arrives, you would have my eternal gratitude. From my savings, I have also willed to each of you a sum of one hundred platinum coins. For safekeeping, I have left these funds with Embreth Daramid, one of my most trusted friends in Lepidstadt—she has been instructed to issue this payment upon the safe delivery of the borrowed tomes no sooner than one fortnight after the date of the reading of this will.” “I, Petros Lorrimor, hereby sign this will in Ravengro on this fourth day of Calistril, in the year 4711.”[/color] The councilman stops, wrapping the scroll up and placing it back into its case. His eyes dart around the room one more time, as if daring anybody to ask questions, before finally stopping rather expectantly on Kendra. Felsi chewed on her pen as the councilmen spoke, a marked disinterest in her face until the mention of Lorrimor’s tomes. Undoubtedly the professor had some truly remarkable articles knowing him, and she had every intention of reading as much as she could while they went about their assigned task- which she would also do, for she owed at the very least that much to the man. [color=a6a6ea]”Er, excuse me, Miss Kendra, do you perchance know where this trunk is located?”[/color] Felsi cut in. Ganth rose to his feet when the councilman arrived, though he did note the man's dismissive demeanor from snippet of his conversation with Kendra. As the will was read, Ganth kept his expression somber, but he was also surprised. Why did the man choose him, of all people? Was a disciple of Pharasma suitable for such a task? Not that he scorned the task. He and his order was grateful for Lorrimor's help, and this was simply the least he could do. Yet, certainly there must be people more suited to this sort of work? "[color goldenrod]Then I am at your service, Lady Kendra.[/color]" -He kept his doubts to himself though, and simply bowed his head. [color=8dc73f]"O-one hundred..." [/color] A lot of money for such a simple job. Delivering some old books to some fop in a fortnight? Easy money, even accounting for guarding the woman in the meantime. [color=8dc73f]"W-well, I guess that can't be helped. I too, shall help however I can."[/color] "[color palevioletred]Oh! Yes! I think I know [i]exactly[/i] which trunk he is referring to! Let me go retrieve it from the attic, I'm sure you would like to-[/color]" Kendra started, standing up from her seat. "[color f7976a]A-[b]hem[/b].[/color]" Interrupted the councilman, looking once again at Kendra, still rather expectantly. "[color palevioletred]Yes. Sorry. My apologies Mr. Hearthmount. You are dismissed; thank you very much.[/color]" Kendra said, giving a slight bow. The councilman offered no such bow in return, only giving one last glance around at the menagerie seated in front of him, before turning and leaving the room, the telltale sound of a door shutting indicating his exit. Kendra immediately disappeared the other direction. From their places in the common room, the small group could hear her hustle up the stairs, the slight creaking and thud of what could only be a ladder descending from the ceiling, and a short silence. It was only a few moments before the creaking could be heard again, followed by the hustling down the steps, before Kendra reappeared. She was slightly dustier than before, and in her arms she carried a small chest; no bigger than a breadbox. On the front of it, a splendid silver lock clasped the top closed. "[color palevioletred]I believe this is the trunk. I never could find the key for this thing, despite my father telling me to leave it alone.[/color]" Kendra chuckled, looking it over in her hands before setting it down on the table. "[color palevioletred]I should have known he'd have some fantastic way of storing keys out of my reach.[/color]" "[color palevioletred]Would anybody care to do the honors?[/color]" she asked with a nervous grin. [color a6a6ea]”Yes!”[/color] Felsi answered almost immediately, [color=a6a6ea]”If you, er, don’t mind. I have quite an interest in these books.”[/color] Felsi presented the key, having found it while Kendra retrieved the trunk from the attic. She approached the trunk with it, adding a small pause for the sake of dramatic effect before unlocking the trunk and opening it. Throughout the proceedings, Iris had remained quiet, seated in the corner as the councilman made his speech and exit. It didn't settle well with him, why their motley group had been called together for something so simple. And certainly, a courtesan wasn't someone to be assigned on this sort of task, unless the daughter had some peculiar tastes in men, but he doubted the professor would hire [i]anyone[/i] for that sort of "work." Quietly, he wondered if now would be the time to take his leave. The rest seemed more than capable of delivering a few books to another city's university and he, for once, felt far too out of place. But he didn't want to go--selfish as it sounded. Being entrusted with a dead man's will felt important. Far more than sleepless nights with customers. So he held his tongue, though the consternation crept onto his face in minute amounts. As soon as the key was inserted into the lock, the top popped open quickly, swinging backwards and allowing full view of what was inside. The contents of the trunk were three small books, respectively titled [i]On Verified Madness, Serving Your Hunger,[/i] and [i]The Umbral Leaves[/i]. Despite their slightly sinister sounding titles, there appeared to be nothing very dangerous about these tomes. At least, not from the cover. Identical notes stuck into the covers of all three of these books requests that they should be delivered to a Montagnie Crowl, a professor of antiquities at Lepidstadt University. The fourth book was a larger one, its rich purple cover contained a brass scarab set with a single eye in its center. The covers were rimmed in polished steel and clasped with a small but intricate lock, the keyhole of which appeared to be for a key with a strange, triangular shaft. A small note stuck to this book indicated that it should be delivered to an Embreth Daramid, though the note asks that this be handled discreetly, and contains her home address. Kendra, very notably having taken a step back before Felsi opened the trunk, relaxed slightly. "[color palevioletred]Well, I apologize that you four are stuck here for a while. He really shouldn't have gone through all this trouble just to make sure that I was taken care of, though I suppose I cannot argue with his final wishes. There are plenty of guest rooms upstairs to accommodate all of you, and I do hope that you won't be too terribly bored in Ravengro.[/color]" [color=8dc73f]"Ah wait, don't-"[/color] was all Tomomi could manage before Felsi just unlocked the box. She sighed. [color=8dc73f]"From what I understand these are dangerous books. Best if we leave it in the box while we deliver them."[/color] "[color goldenrod]All is fine, my lady. It is an honor that the late professor had chosen me to carry out his last will. I will give it my all.[/color]" -Ganth eyed the books carefully as he spoke, raising an eyebrow when Felsi reached for the books -"[color goldenrod]Perhaps lady Tomomi is correct. Our duty was to deliver and protect these. Handling seemed...uncalled for.[/color]" Despite his curiosity about the books themselves, Iris remained at a distance, both out of practicality (for fear of the unexpected) and out of that keening sense that he was not supposed to be here. As soon as the lock was open and her eyes scanned the trunk’s contents Felsi reached an eager hand towards [i]The Umbral Leaves[/i], the book which she had decided sounded most interesting, but she was quickly stopped by the disapproval of the others. [color=a6a6ea]”Oh… well… I’m…”[/color] her voice was filled with dejection, a small sigh quickly following. [color=a6a6ea]”I’m sure you’re right.”[/color] but still, Felsi’s eyes fell on Kendra, perhaps in hope that she’d get the girl’s approval. Kendra eyed the books with the same amount of hesitation that everyone else seemed to give them, if not more. There was a slight start as her eyes met Felsi's and realized that the girl had been looking to her, before her eyes darted around to the rest of the group "[color palevioletred]Well, I do believe that is everything taken care of. Iris, Felsi, Tomomi, Ganth...[/color]" Kendra said, looking to every one of them and giving a slight nod. "[color palevioletred]...if you need anything at all, please let me know. The estate is entirely at your disposal for the next few weeks. Myself, I believe I will be retiring for the night; it has been an exhausting day, after all.[/color]" she said, slightly apologetic in her tone. “[color goldenrod]Please enjoy your rest, lady Kendra. You certainly deserve it.[/color]” -Ganth offered the mourning heiress a soft smile as he rose to his feet, his armor clanking as he readjusted the straps on his bracers –“[color goldenrod]Meanwhile, I shall sweep the perimeter. With your permission, of course.[/color]” Nodding, Tomomi closed the box, before taking out the key and keeping it in her sleeve. [color=8dc73f]"Then, I will safeguard the box on my person."[/color] "[color palevioletred]Do what you must, Knight Ganth. I trust the safety of the estate in your capable hands.[/color]" Kendra said, her slight grin making it unclear if she was actually worried about safety, or if she was just making a small little joke at the inquisitor's expense. "[color goldenrod]I'll do my best.[/color]" -Ganth simply bowed before quickly retreated from the room, weapon ready at his hip as he began to head toward the entrance, where he could properly begin his round. The last of the sun slowly disappeared over the horizon, casting all of Ravengro into the darkness of night. As surely as the darkness settled over the town, so to did the silence. Even the bugs that usually offered some slight background noise were not present; the chill of Ustlav and the approaching winter having sent them into an early hibernation. Save for the slight tapping of Kendra's heeled boots as she walked across the upper floor, there was nothing to be heard.