[@Kazemitsu]: No, no, I'm in agreement with Vita here. Indiscriminate killing of people to consume their souls in an everlasting search for strength is... Pretty evil. Preeeeetty evil. [@Pseudo Stygian]: Okay, so uh... I think the biggest issues with the character is that there is no defined weakness in terms of combat by non-magical/non-enhanced means. Not being able to be harmed by regular means is a bit of an issue. Also the whole hawk mentality and wanting perpetual warfare runs... Pretty counter to the mentality of the group, all things considered. I get that the last paragraph mentions that he's contemplating the issue from another angle, but if your entire life revolves around being fascinated with war, I don't see it likely from a character-based viewpoint for them to change on a whim like that. [@Lucius Cypher]: Ah... Should be fine. Accepted. [@Raineh Daze]: Discussed elsewhere. Accepted.