Jinx powered through another turn almost laying the bike down a she sustained lateral G-forces that should have broke her traction an sent her flying out over the crashing waves far below. She was always at her best when the situation seemed it's worst and few would have bet on her chances of survival at that moment. A large truck coming from the opposite direction swerved to avoid hitting a football sized chunk of rock and looked as if it would crush her as it lost control an veered into her lane. The two air crews watched expecting to see the trailer roll over her but both were stunned when she shot under the trailer an passed between tractor an trailer wheels. [B]"Holy, did you see that; that was impossible but she did it"[/B] yelled a pilot over his comm. So stunned were the air crews that they lost their best chance to get a good firing solution an had to struggle to pursue. They had to cut across the looping curves to begin gaining on her once more and almost had her when ahead of her they saw three school buses heading the same way she was going. As they weighed their orders over shooting up the buses one of the gunners noticed that they were empty. Before they could begin their firing Pass a flock of 1,000s of sea birds erupted around them that were divine on a large school of Herring driven close to the cliff face by a pod of whales. Forced to climb above them the two craft once more had lost their chances.. Pushing their craft to the limit now they risked it all to gain back the ground they'd lost once more. That's when the highway was suddenly suspended on the elevated road that dropped it down to the coastal plain. Downhill and straight as a ruler the highway was no perfect to display how well the Shelby works had built her. Jinx pulled back the throttle to the stops and was moments later passing traffic at over 275 mph and leaving her pursuers far behind. She could have kept on going and simply out run them but they'd ticked her off. She braked hard causing the bike to disappear in a cloud of smoke made by her tires as she slid to a stop in the parking lot of an abandoned gas station. [B]"She's stopped, herr ass is ours now"[/B] laughed the cockiest of the pilot as they dove on her. [B]"Contain, do not close, contain and observe"[/B] yelled their commander from the pursuing truck 3 miles back. His words of warning arrived too late as Jinx raised both hands and struck each craft with a beam of energy that cause bearings to seize an coolant systems to fail catastrophically. By the time the trucks arrived Jinx had disappeared and the highway had slowed to a crawl as the traffic gawked at the twin columns of inky smoke. They crews were alive but they needed evac to assure they survived.