[@Enalais] Lucky followed Eric's movements with her eyes as she stood resolutely in place. Her hair retracted back and slithered in the air behind her, waiting for her to command it on its next course of attack. She had a plan in mind, giving him his sword back. And now it was time to see it to fruition. [i][color=#53A893] [[They know I hate this shit but insist on these classes! Let's give everyone a show then, shall we!?]] [/color][/i] Lucky narrowed her eyes and glared at Lady Jade and Professor Jacob. When Eric came up behind her and swiftly slashed his sword across the back of her right leg, Lucky let her power drop and exposed herself to the brunt of his attack. The blade Eric wielded sliced through tendons and muscle, creating a horrible gash that left lumniescent green blood pooling around her. Lucky let out a grunt of pain and dropped to one knee, her own blood splashing up to freckle her arms and pants where she landed. Then, just as quickly as the wound appeared, it stitched itself together, leaving not a trace of it existing in the first place. Lucky looked back at Eric. [b][color=#53A893]"You have to aim for something more vital than that to incapacitate me, Eric. But if you wont, then I'm ending this."[/color][/b] She sighed, wishing that her new friend had the balls to get this over with so she wouldn't have to hurt him. He had also made a grave mistake, going [i]behind[/i] her. That meant he was much closer to the thing that was one of her biggest weapons: her hair. Without hesitation, Lucky whipped some the dirt on the arena floor that had mixed with her blood up into Eric's face. Simultaneously, the aforementioned weapons lashed out in countless sections, aiming to wrap themselves around Eric and crush him into unconsciousness. Quite a few went for his torso and arms, but there were also ones to entrap his legs and face. Most of them were un-enhanced, granting them speed, but there were also thicker, enhanced sections that would act as the vice-grip, should they be allowed to connect with Eric.