[h2] [centre] [color=6ecff6]Victoria [i]Darya[/i] Romus[/color][/centre] [/h2] [color=c4df9b][h3] [centre] Old Harbour . Wensday Evening [/centre] [/h3] [/color] [hr] Victoria was had been busy that day, a company website had broken and they needed it fixed yesterday. 5 hours work and a few broken code sections repaired and Victoria had made 400 dollers once you counted in the taxes and fees at the bank. Not a bad days work. Pay was great but was highly intermittent and this could be one job or 10 this month. Marilania had been pretty quiet, in the morning and struggled with the the events, work hasd her see a doctor, police, duty reassignment. It had been a busy day. Marlin always was the same and distracted herself with work volunteering for a night shift at the cargo airport. It was not healthy but her sister, was her sister and she would not change for anyone. Watching the sun set, Victoria was bored, and the apartment was lonely flicking off a awful film of Sarah the amazon vs the lesbian vampires, maybe Milo would be about, Ren, Marilania had made a few freinds and she could always be abit cheeky and get to know em. Getting dressed, she barely had bothered to get changed out of shorts and a t shirt all day, perks of working from home and changed into a nicer dress, coat and a pair of Comfey kitten heals. [color=c4df9b][h3] [centre] Sol City . Wensday Evening [/centre] [/h3] [/color] Wandering slowly out into the bustling city, it was busy but a week night and everyone was busy getting home or heading out. No one noticed a small pale woman with a walking stick and looked out over centre point. The place was bustling, lively. The sun was dipping below the sky casting the last of the days light over the upper windows, it had a look of its own you could not discribe. It felt nice to get out and about, there had to be somthing going on and looked out for a event or some place to go enjoy a few hours out of the house.