[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjgwLmE3YWFkMi5VM1J2YkdWdUlFeGxaMkZqZVEsLC4wAAAA/expansiva.bold.png[/img] [hr][hr] [i]"The Universe Has No Obligation to Make Sense to You."[/i] Dr. Whitman, one of the United Federation's top researches and three time Nobel prize winner of Science, had many theories concerning humanity's, and even its alien brothers', place in the universe. A keen intellect in quantum physics and ingenious computer engineer, many of his eccentric, albeit remarkable projects had led to an overwhelming amount of attention. Especially for a man that had long since settled for the quiet, rural life in Amaetra's lush prairies and fertile lands. Then, the controversies came about. His job had already drowned his life as a father, and now the world was coming down on him. [i]"The UF Loses Another Brilliant Mind."[/i] Headlines concerning his death were vomited out on a daily basis. Ruled as a suicide, but we all know how these things go. Kiera Whitman, his daughter and only remaining family was the first to be completely disillusioned by this narrative. She would not speak of the final words of her father publicly, no. She had inherited her father's more discrete nature. But despite the strained relationship she had only known from her father, it was her duty to find out just what was going on. All this pain, all this drama, all to end with nothing but death. [i]"Find my Legacy."[/i] With these final words from an ominous will, Kiera knew what had to be done. Left with a minimum, but sufficient amount of information and tools, she is to venture to find just what this 'Legacy' is. Whether it is the truth, even more death, or something else entirely. [hr][hr] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjQ0LmE3YWFkMi5RMjlrWlhnLC4wAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/expansiva.bold.png[/img] A gathering of all the encountered data during this adventure. Spanning from planets, species, unique abilities, etc. Data logs will also be recorded here, as well as information on certain NPC's![/center] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjQ0LmE3YWFkMi5RMmhoY21GamRHVnljdywsLjAAAAAAAAAA/expansiva.regular.png[/img] [hider=MTD "Hubert" V2.0] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjIwLmMyYzUyYi5UVlJFSUNKSWRXSmxjblFpSUZZeUxqQSwuMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/expansiva.regular.png[/img] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/metroid/images/4/41/Sentry_drone_copy.png/revision/latest?cb=20081130200542[/img] [color=fff200]【Species】[/color] Assistant Drone [color=fff200]【Robotic?】[/color] Yes [color=fff200]【Age】[/color] About a year [color=fff200]【Personality】[/color] For a robot, Hubert sounds unnervingly human. The AI on this drone surpasses most modern technologies. Quippy and potentially condescending, it won't hesitate to make fun of its owner, Kiera, to lighten the mood. Or just to get a laugh. It enjoys criticizing things, and adding its two cents in just about anything. Although as a robot with certain purposes, it will fulfill its role to document just about anything to the letter no matter what, and inform Kiera of any information she may need. It holds a sense of responsibility toward her, that surpasses its primal design functions as a manufactured machine. It identifies itself as a male and may be referred to as 'he' later on. [color=fff200]【History】[/color] Very little is known about Hubert. Considering it was found by Kiera before being deployed, one could deduce it was one of Dr. Laurence Whitman's pet projects. It does not recall anything beyond its goal to provide information and insightful guidance to Kiera. It has remained by her side, helping her associate patterns and ideas together. Her current leads have only been possible thanks to Hubert's remarkably powerful data analysis capabilities. [color=fff200]【Features】[/color] [b]Data Collection[/b] Hubert is capable of stockpiling an immense amount of data, far more than one would expect from something of its size. It can scan life forms and detect various physical traits about them, compare them to other elements, etc. Especially a very efficient computer. Can also use thermal vision, night vision, motion scanning and echo vising. [b]Plasma Ray[/b] Hubert can charge up a energy and release a beam of plasma. It is strong enough to penetrate weak armor and deal strong damage. It is however slow and leaves the drone dazed for a good five seconds. [b]Shielding[/b] While very frail, Hubert can use a strong, albeit small, shield around its body. It is impervious to most weaponry, but he cannot do much when in the defensive. It cannot last forever. [b]Hazard Defense[/b] Same defenses as Kiera's suit when it comes to the environment. [b]Gravity Buffer[/b] Same as Kiera, though due to smaller weight, it has a stronger threshold. [b]Gravity Jet[/b] Hubert moves via levitation, and can essentially fly at will. But only up to five times its weight can be carried. It can deploy its arms to carry things while using the gravity jets.[/center][/hider] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjQ0LmE3YWFkMi5VR3hoYm1WMGN3LCwuMAAAAAAA/expansiva.regular.png[/img] [hider=Amaetra] [center][img]https://img00.deviantart.net/1cc0/i/2010/137/0/e/planet___erdea_by_stock7000.jpg[/img][/center] Homeworld of Dr. Laurence Whitman and his family. Will be expanded upon a bit later.[/hider] [hider=NG-449] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjQ0LjQwNjMzNi5Ua2N0TkRRNS4wAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/expansiva.italic.png[/img] [img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/74d0/th/pre/i/2010/256/0/d/green_planet_by_huglebunnys-d2yms5q.jpg[/img] A remote, particularly green planet. It is located relatively lose to the populated solar systems of the the cosmos, or at least those run by the United Federation. Virgin of any sapient life form and supposedly never explored, one would have a had time finding anything beyond wildlife and typical patterns from mother nature. No information can be found on the planet beyond preliminary observations from afar. [b]Known Species:[/b] Boonhark Blue Weed [hr][hr] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjIwLjQ0Nzk1YS5WR2hsSUVadmNtVnpkSE0sLjAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/expansiva.regular.png[/img] [img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/635b/f/2013/063/a/a/engineer_s_planet_by_radojavor-d5wzkrp.jpg[/img] Nearly 98% of NG-449's surface is ruled by dense forests with few clearings. These forests enable many life forms to thrive in a very diverse and healthy environment. It is, however, a climate highly susceptible to rain and mild storms. This leads to the earth being particularly viscous, muddy, and bogs quite abundant. Natural catastrophes are a rarity.[/center][/hider] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjQ0LmE3YWFkMi5VM0JsWTJsbGN5QXRJRk5oY0dsbGJuUSwuMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/expansiva.regular.png[/img] [hider=None Yet!][/hider] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjQ0LmE3YWFkMi5VM0JsWTJsbGN5QXRJRTV2YmkxVFlYQnBaVzUwLjAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,,/expansiva.regular.png[/img] [hider=Boonhark][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjIwLmNlMjQyMi5RbTl2Ym1oaGNtcywuMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,,/expansiva.bold.png[/img] [img]https://img00.deviantart.net/5a68/i/2012/353/9/c/crested_baboon_wolf_by_khaidu-d5okmhg.jpg[/img] [color=9e0039]【Life Form】[/color] Organic - Mammal-type [color=9e0b0f]【Native】[/color] NG-449 [color=9e0b0f]【Lifespan】[/color] 25-30 Years [color=9e0b0f]【Diet/Energy Source】[/color] While Omnivorous, 80% of their diet is meat or insects. Due to the thriving ecosystem of NG-449, over-hunting is not an issue and protein is instinctively sought out as more nutrient-rich sources. Any form of meat is appreciated, and the most consumed type of bug would have to be land worms native to their planet. They hold a strong resistance to toxins during consumption, allowing them to feast upon more dangerous critters and plants. When it comes to vegetation, fruits and vegetables found in the planet that are rich in nutrients are also sought after. They do not like grass or leafs, but can use them as sources of food as well. [color=9e0b0f]【Behavior】[/color] The Boonhark is a social animal, living in packs like many known primates. A hierarchy is always present in these tribes, however unlike many apes on Earth, they seek to feed every member of the group instead of letting alpha eat first. The favorable conditions on the planet have allowed this kind to indulge in less opportunistic ways. They are highly intelligent compared to many other animals, as a result of living in communities and needing to predict behaviors of their prey in order to be fed. When hunting, they do it together, often on smaller creatures, but at times, they will organize themselves to hunt large prey. They rarely seek confrontation with other predators, however, and will instead hold their ground if unprovoked. They have a tendency to get violent if they feel their territory is at risk. However, recent findings have found a growing trend in violence among this kind. Due to the small amount of information on them and NG-449, this phenomenon remains a mystery. Nonetheless, these are sporadic incidents. [color=9e0b0f]【History/Evolution】[/color] Being from the mysterious NG-449, very little is known about the Boonharks. However it is clear they have evolved to be one of the apex predators of the ecosystem. While they can't stand straight, they have by far one of the most developed brains in their current fauna. [color=9e0b0f]【Notable Features】[/color] [b]Superior Strength[/b] Strong upper body bulk allows them to easily surpass average human strength. They should not be taken lightly. [b]Speed[/b] Along with their strength, their quadruped posture allows for much more fluid and swift movements. [b]Claws and Teeth[/b] Their claws and teeth are quite sharp. Can easily kill an unarmed human through mauling in a few seconds. [b]Communication[/b] Boonharks live in communities, and communicate via sounds and specific movements. Their are a highly coordinated species.[/center][/hider] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjQ4LmExOThjOC5WbVZuWlhSaGRHbHZiZywsLjAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/expansiva.regular.png[/img] [hider=Blue Weed][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjIwLjI4N2VkNy5RbXgxWlNCWFpXVmsuMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/expansiva.regular.png[/img] [img]https://image.prntscr.com/image/iKLOdj2aRZWhl4warmUXIg.png[/img] [color=00aeef]【Life Form】[/color] Plant - Unknown Type [color=00aeef]【Native】[/color] NG-449 - Unclear [color=00aeef]【Lifespan】[/color] Unknown [color=00aeef]【Diet/Energy Source】[/color] Primary analysis indicate a lack of photo-receptors, and instead a large amount of blue roots spreading through the soil. No visible impact on the flora surrounding it. One can suggest it feeds of nutrients in the soil instead. Requires more in-depth analysis. [color=00aeef]【Behavior】[/color] As a plant, it doesn't have any specific behaviors. No extreme reactions found yet. [color=00aeef]【History/Evolution】[/color] So far, nothing is known about this plant, nor what is its place in the ecosystem. [color=00aeef]【Notable Features】[/color] [b]Bioluminescence[/b] This plant glows bright blue and tends to stand out in the environment. What allows it to glow like this is unknown for now.[/center][/hider] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjQ0LmE3YWFkMi5SbUZqZEdsdmJuTSwuMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/expansiva.regular.png[/img] [Hider=United Federation] The current government in the known cosmos. More info to come soon![/hider] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjQ0LmE3YWFkMi5SR0YwWVNCTWIyZHouMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/expansiva.regular.png[/img] [hider=None Yet!][/hider]