[quote=@Rune_Alchemist] Welp, got some of Ceri's opinions written up. Ceri'll be easy to decide for really. Illedrith and her have been on a team for a while already, I imagine. It'll be more difficult getting whoever is doing the ordering to order her to vape things to death with her magic though. Unless of course it is Illedrith. Ceri'll listen to her more or less. [/quote] I definitely agree that Ceri and Illedrith were a team before this, I think it's more up to the others to decide how close they were to the team before the announcement (are they all new? were some of them on the team already?). And the leader's role (should one exist in the team) is to be the final voice on travel options and job choices, not necessarily how the team fights. Can't imagine the Golem's Hand crew would be happy to take orders about how to fight either... [quote=@Lmpkio] [@Lord Sawsaw2] I got all of Dreadlin's opinions up. Wanna take a gander at them when you have the chance? [/quote] They're all great, good stuff. What are your opinions on the team? With Dreadlin and Pan being older than Illedrith by quite some years, she would be more than happy to pass leadership to one of you, and Dreadlin would seem to be the natural choice, even if you're just joining the team.