Bugcatcher was just closing the back doors for the last section of the hack. Always get out. ALWAYS. That was one of the first rules of Hacking. After you get in you get out and close all evidence you were there. Reroutes and links were fine, but if you got into a system you needed to get out and erase any evidence you were there. He growled though when he heard the new orders, "Fuck...I could have used those...I still have Tokyo and Greece though..." He bent back over his bank of keyboards. His fingers began to fly. He never heard from Kingmaker if he could use the Hackers Fifth Freedom, but this called for measures that needed to happen NOW. So he reached into a small drawer and pulled out a flash drive it looked innocent enough except for the nuclear material symbol painted onto the side of it. He plugged that into one of his towers. And opened up the folder. Inside, six files, each with the simple name of "Nuke". He opened one, and activated the program. A second later, he called out, "I'm in! I've got cameras for Banks, Monument, Post, Mansion House and Bishops. I needed to use a Nuke to do it. But I'm in. The guys train should be arriving shortly." He pulled up a picture of the man on another screen, a picture he got from another camera at the scene of the incident, "Hoodie...looks purple...there's a symbol on the front...looks like...a...crescent moon...okay...dark colored pants...and what look like swat boots. Okay..." He turned back, "Guys. Get your butts in gear." he looked at one of the screens as a train arrived, "not our train...but it should be coming soon. Hurry up!" He linked the analysts in with his feed, "Bugcatcher to section intel. I have feeds for your people. The more eyes the better." He watched a second train come in and checked the schedule, "There are only a few more trains left over for the time frame the guy got on..." his eyes glued to the screens watching closely.