My land is going to be a (relatively) recent occurrence. Previously two or more smaller kingdoms that got gobbled up by a skilled Warlord. There are a few mountain chains along the Northeast portion of my claim (defined by the strange tapering hang-off) where the Warlord's campaign began and where they erupted from when conquering the territories immediately adjacent to the mouth of the vale. Since then, the burgeoning martial regime has been consolidating its power, reordering what were previously disparate lands. Slavery, previously limited largely to feudal serfdom and indentured servitude, has returned full force and there is a prominent martial caste system in effect. Historians will note that the entire regime is held together solely be the competence and sheer force of will of a small number of individuals, and that if and once they should pass on, the whole order will likely fragment. For the moment however, they are wolves sharpening their blades at the door. The rumor mill states they are interested in grabbing territory to the South and West in order to gain access to the sea. Here's looking at you [@Aristo].