[h2][center]Shokuhou Misaki[/center][/h2] The sudden influx of JSDF personnel and policemen milling about soon after Misaki began looking around caused her a bit of headache, seeing as how controlling people wasn't particularly subtle if they moved about in groups. Ideally, of course, she would get through this entire mess without having to use her ability, but that in turn would mean that her plan would have to go off without a hitch. Probability dictated that the chance of such a thing occurring was fairly low, but at this point she had no choice but to try to work around that issue. It wasn't long until the young woman came across a police box, luckily enough. There seemed to be a few officers inside, and even with the current situation they seemed to be far less anxious than half of the people that she saw on the way here. Granted, the officers ALSO seemed a bit on edge, but at the moment it was a bit out of Misaki's worries to figure out the exact reason for as to why. With a slight cough to clear her throat, Misaki cautiously walked up to the door of the installation and, after a moment of hesitation, knocked. A policeman soon came to open the door, and it took him a moment to noticed that it was Misaki who had done so. The young woman noted that said officer had a look that said he half-wanted to turn her away so he could keep up with the situation and half-wanted to hear her out in order to take his mind off of the issue, which was... Fair, all things considered, but she already had one foot in the door at this point and was wont to stop now. "Um... Excuse me, but I was on my way home when all that chaos in the city broke out. The area's currently blocked off, and I'm a little worried about trying to move about the streets at the moment. If you don't mind, would I be allowed to stay here until things calm down a little?" Misaki said, bowing her head as she hoped the lies she had spun wouldn't be prodded too deeply. As things turned out, her worries were somewhat unfounded, and the policeman calmly led her inside to take a seat. "Ah... Yeah, sorry about that, little miss. To be frank, all I know is that there's been talk of this possibly being a terrorist attack, but I'm not so sure of that myself. We'll make sure you'll stay safe until this all blows over," he said, a small smile on his face as he nodded to her before moving back to sit with a few other policemen at a nearby table. "In the meantime, uh... Make yourself comfortable." The young woman walked inside and, with a smile, thanked the old police officer before taking a seat. Given everything that had occurred so far, this was a far cry from 'safety', but at the very least she could figure out some more plans for the future from here on out. [i]"Hm... Well, I guess this is where I need to start thinking about how to get into a better position. As things stand, I still need a home..."[/i] [hr] [center][h2]Leonardo Watch[/h2][/center] "Oh, thank goodness it's still functioning," Leo said, letting out a sigh of relief as he walked through the turnstile to the inside of the subway station he was at. There were a lot of things that didn't [i]quite[/i] add up, but right now it was of the utmost priority to get a train to where he needed to go. It didn't take long for one to arrive, of course, and the young man quickly slipped in among the mostly-oblivious crowd and silently waited for the train to bring him to his destination. Sonic was, of course, hiding inside of his jacket, and though he was squirming about a little because of the pressure he didn't seem to be in any particular pain. "Sorry, sorry. I'll get you some ice cream later to make up for this, I swear," he said quietly as the train finally arrived at the stop he needed to get to. Without a moment's delay, the young man let loose a bunch of 'excuse me's and 'pardon me's and he exited the subway and began to dash to exit the station. Once he had left, Leo took a quick glance up to confirm that the helicopters were still flying in the direction he thought they were before following after one. He was, of course, a little out of breath and wished that he had his usual moped, but something like that was less of an issue right now. It wasn't long until Leo came across a wooden police barricade, with the faint sounds of gunshots being fired in the distance. Gritting his teeth as Sonic crawled its way back onto his shoulder, Leo looked left and right to see that there weren't as many policemen as he expected guarding the area. Most, he assumed, were holding whatever it was over there back, which meant that now was a good a time as any to try and break through. "Sonic, can I ask you to distract those policemen so I can get through?" the young man asked, to which the monkey responded with a wary glance and a shrug of its shoulders. "I'll give you a double scoop if you do." At that, the monkey's eyes seemed to light up, and at once it bounded off to go cause a bit of havoc. Given how it was actually invisible to the normal human eye, it wasn't long before the few officers guarding the area were looking around trying to chase the monkey that stole their weapons. With a nod, Leonardo broke into a sprint and jumped over the blockade before continuing on further ahead. It was here, of course, that he saw something that felt... Well, a bit more normal to him, in a way. A bridge leading to the prison, and a girl whose speed was on par with Chain's dashing down it to catch a van... "Mmm... I can't just back out now, can I?" he sighed as he continued on, slowly chasing after the girl as Sonic made its way over to where he was and started causing a bit of a distraction to let him through. "I really hope I'm not in over my head here..." [hr] [center][h2]Hinanawi Tenshi[/h2][/center] "Emilio, Emilio... Nope, haven't heard of you. Though, well, I haven't exactly been here long enough to learn anyone's name or any famous groups, to be honest," the Celestial said, shrugging towards the young man floating above her head as the sound of the blue-haired girl's wavering voice got her attention. With a slight frown, Tenshi walked over and patted her on the back in an attempt to comfort her. She was almost certain it really wouldn't do anything, but at this point it was better than nothing. She was never really "good" at dealing with humans, after all, but Celestials... Something something guidance was all she could remember about that lecture, honestly, and if she at least did this maybe she could check off her quote for the week or something. "It'll be fine, don't worry," she said as the sound of a [i]very[/i] angry child pulled her attention towards the man who she [i]thought[/i] was mostly out for the count. Her eyes widened as the hammer grew well beyond the scope of what was ordinary. The sight of it reminded her of the little kobito a while back, but Tenshi frowned as she noticed that the man was trying to pull another one of his weird crystal attacks out at point blank. "Mmm... This should make it, right?" she asked herself as she slammed the Sword of Hisou into the ground, causing a series of rocks to pop up from the ground before ultimately shooting out and attempting to restrain both of the combatants. She wasn't particularly in the mood to see a giant splatter of blood here, nor was she wont to let a temporary ally get hurt out of negligence, but at the very least if she could disarm the two of them then maybe this whole matter could just be resolved. Then maybe some tea was in order. It was at this point, though, that a few Japanese men armed with machine guns broke through the forest and aimed their weapons at the group. With a sidelong glance, Tenshi let her sword disappear before calmly turning to face the people who had arrived. "Is that it, then? I would rather talk this out than fight, you know," she stated haughtily, hoping to try and intimidate the soldiers that had arrived on the scene. "But if you're asking for a fight, I'd be happy to oblige." "No, no, that won't be necessary," responded an older man, holding one hand in the air as he walked forward. "I would rather not waste precious ammunition if you can be talked with—particularly so if you can cause this much damage to the Imperial Palace's surroundings. The others, however..." [hr] At the same time that the law enforcement had arrived at the castle, another squadron of troops arrived where Eva and the others were, guns primed as they stared down the group. "We calmly request that you surrender here, as we cannot guarantee your safety here otherwise," a voice blared of from a megaphone as a group of soldiers surrounded the group. "I repeat: we calmly request..." [@TheFake][@VitaVitaAR][@Dezuel][@Grey Star][@Raineh Daze][@Rin][@KoL]