Dick seemed to disappear into the dusty shadows. He moved up the stairs, silently deciding to take the upper levels of the run down building. He checked every room, every windowsill and found no sign of Senna. It was impossible to tell whether that was because Bruce taught her well, or because she actually was never there. "Come to stop me?" A voice asked. Senna didn't even try to hide from Lacy, she just stood in the middle of the room. She gripped her Talons in her hands, squeezing them so tightly that her bare hands were decorated with a thin ribbon of blood. Her back was facing the reptilian woman, showing a weak spot. Senna was not costumed, she did not have any of her toys besides her twin sai, and her hair was not tied up in the usual pig-tails. There was a strange and dangerous aura in the room, a tension that had no name. The room was dark, only lit by the filthy windows on the wall. "Come to take me away like some caged beast? That's what you should be doing to that [i]slut[/i]." She spat, not turning around. Her dark, cold brown eyes gazed out the cracked glass.