[CENTER][h1][color=9932CC][b]Static[/b][/color][/h1][sup][color=9932CC]"I’ll Put a shock to your system"[/color] [img]http://leagueofcomicgeeks.com/assets/media/news/images/dc/static-shock-8-banner.jpg[/img] [/sup][h3][sup][sup][color=9932CC]Virgil Ovid Hawkins [color=9932CC]♦[/color] June 1st, 2001 [color=9932CC]♦[/color] Male [color=9932CC]♦[/color] Hero [/color][/sup][/sup][/h3] [/CENTER] His Hearing was the first to return. Wait…This ain’t right. Didn’t the movies usually have your eyesight returning first? Then your hearing? Like, isn’t that how all near death scenario’s play out? Well. He was suddenly glad it wasn’t because he could hear the sirens calling and he wanted to get up, and get up quickly. His Vision however, was still a blur, so he could barely see the orange light in front of him, until he took a few moments, leaning onto a nearby wall to realize what was going on. As his sight returned and he began to actually feel the rest of his body, he saw what was going on. A Fire was now ablaze on the pier, open canisters seemingly passing around a thick gas. He looked around slowly making moves as the fire department attempted to stop the blaze. He took one step. And looked down on the ground. It was a guard, his helmet charred along with half of his body. His face wasn’t visible as the helmet obscured it, but Virgil was sure he didn’t want to see it, as it was probably baked. He couldn't be sure however who had survived he could hear screams and random chatter. But It wasn’t best for him to stay about. He had to move and quickly. He quickly tucked himself in the alleyway, keeping away from the sights of the paramedics, and law enforcement. He needed time, time to make an escape. He leaned on the back of a nearby wall. Taking in a deep breath, before attempting to move again. Only to realize he was stuck on it. He blinked and attempted to force himself off. He grunted silently attempting not to make noise to attract himself. After a few yanks He managed to do so. Hearing a quick ripping sound. Virgil took noticed and turned around. It was a piece of his hoodie, it was now attached to the wall with a purple like energy shrouding it. He stared at it and moved closer He unzipped the rest of the hoodie and was set to throw it to the ground, only to see that it was stuck to his hand now. He attempted to shake it off, the Purple energy cackled violently like electricity. Which at this point Virgil was sure it was now. He shook his arm rapidly attempting in desperation to shake the now charred hoodie off of his hands. Succeeding after a few attempts. [b][color=9932CC]“What the fuck is…”[/color][/b] He whispered to himself staring at his hands. Electricity danced around as he took in the sight. He stared in awe. Watching the energy flow through him, What happened back there? What exploded and how did it happen? [b] “I see something in the alleyway, a light!”[/b] Suddenly Static in shock placed his hand down, He needed to get out and fast, he scrambled finding the only thing nearby was a garbage can. He ran toward it and lifted the lid ready to hide in the trash can. However the instant he grabbed the lid. He found himself going into the air. The lid still being held over his head, he began to panic and shake about. The people that have located him, a Paramedic and Two Officer ran toward the now very loud screaming only to see an African American boy with Long dreads, Shirtless, floating with a Glowing Trash Can lid in his hand. They point their guns at him ready to shoot him down. In a Panic Virgil’s scream get louder. And then…He’s off. The trash lid flew off at a breakneck pace, with Virgil still desperately handing on. He was now 40 feet off the ground travelling a good 50 miles an hour above the burning brimstone that was now The Paris Island Docks. He was halfway toward the water when he attempted to find a more comfortable riding position. No longer struggling and instead attempting to hang on for dear life in hopes that he wasn’t going to fall in the water underneath him as he saw Dakota City in the Distance. The bridge connecting the inner city with Paris Island, he was nearing his way home…whatever this was…he was grateful to actually have discovered it. That was until it stopped. All of the sudden the electricity stopped running and now Virgil was now on a crash course down to Dakota City streets. He panicked seeing that he was now falling with a trash lid in his hand, he dropped it and was ready to crash down. In a pile of bags piled up in the back of a nearby house.