[center] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/45/6d/0d/456d0d0289a690ee02474a805e142946--wild-dogs-god.jpg[/img] [h2][color=crimson]Clifford Norman~Red[/color][/h2] [/center] [hr] Clifford shook out his fur once the collar was adjusted and huffed at Leo. He really just wanted to get out of here, but he was committed now. Which was not a fun place to be for him. He let out another huff and trotted closer to the group in time to hear Jo ask about his nose. His head tilted and he then snorted before moving past them. Just as cliff was working on trotting ahead a certain dog ran up and then stopped. He blinked at her before raising his own black tail and waving it before stopping. His head tilted and a whistle escaped him. Being a dhole meant a lot of weird non wolf noises but it certainly was okay given the scenario. He moved toward the canine then stopped. This was highly unusual for him...most canines either tried to fight him or simply tried to run away because he wasn't just any old werewolf....he was alpha. Large ears swiveled and a nose twitches before cliff waved his tail again. He was hopeful it wouldn't do either of the normal things and he could boost his cover. He let his tongue loll out for a moment before he went into a half now which was the universal dog sign of play. He waved his tail again and hoped that if anyone other then Leo ever figured him out that they would not remember this. First the dog collar now this. Socializing....he was being reminded why he didn't do it.