[@NarayanK][@Crimmy] [b]Sterling Johnson - Hallways[/b] [color=silver]"So they were..."[/color] The sounds of unabashed war had ceased as quickly as they'd erupted, and once the flying forms of fighting females became fleeing figments of former foes and folly, leaving fallen friends to fend for themselves, the hall was empty of moving bodies once more— Save, of course, for the shellshocked and utterly nonplussed Hana. As Taidan opened the door with a gentle smile and an innocent observation, regarding one of the school's many peculiarities, a second voice joined him. It's owner was leaned against the wall across from the door, resting against an opened fourth. As if he had always been within it (even though he obviously had not), Sterling Johnson entered the shot. He was tall and strong, his grinning face more of a smirk than Taidan's earnest smiles, and he kicked his burly frame off from his rebellious lean against the wall to step forward and survey the damage. Folding his arms, one sinew and one steel, he gave the unconscious young women an understanding look before he coolly appraised Hana. [color=silver]"Guess all the racket was them keeping the peace for us?" [/color] He posed the question conversationally, teacupping his strong jaw in a musing way.