[hider=CS] [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/W91zIqt.png[/img] [sup][color=pink]"Have you nothing better to do? No, of course you don't. As I expected."[/color] - Zentaro Kobashigawa[/sup] Name: Zentaro Kobashigawa Superhero Name: Age: 16 D.O.B: April 28 Weight: 199 Ibs Height: 6'4" Personality: Zentaro is an overly serious person who speaks in a rigidly formal manner; and he is often seen training and generally improving himself to be a suitable Pro-hero which makes him rather hard to approach. He hates wasting time and energy on pointless activity, and he will not hesitate to reprimand other's and correct their priorities with a sharp tongue response. Zen is not one to engage in idle conversations; often only speaking if it's needed or if its just reminding people of their own duties. He can come off as rather gruff and blunt; often to the point of coming off as being unfriendly. Which isn't far from the truth. At this point Zen is rather bored and apathetic with life due to his loneliness and depression. He has little faith in others but yet desires for their company but he always keeps his distance. But yet when it comes to his hero training he goes far and beyond what is expected from his apathy and depression, he works hard to improve himself in everything he does. Why does he do this? To keep a promise and he always keeps his promises. Zen has a gambler's spirit, which means he's willing he's a risk taker and is willing to gamble with everything up to and including the lives of others and himself to get what he wants, but he's not malicious by nature about this, he just knows that as a pro-hero that he needs to make sacrifices if he wants to be on top. He has learned to take things in strides when it comes to himself as he's not overly critical of himself but on the flip side he's more critical of others since he knows he's doing his best but he doesn't know if that's the same with others. History: Zentaro's father a Pro-hero, a small timer but still a Pro-hero. Zentaro never knew his mother she left them when he was very young, young enough that he couldn't remember anything of her. But Zentaro didn't care nor does he feel anything about the whole thing as he just sees it as a steeping stone and making him tougher. Zentaro's trained Zentaro himself at a young age, younger then what was normally aloud. Even before he had a quirk he was being trained to fight and take hits. Which conveniently proved to be useful. As one day Zen was punched in the face by a kid for speaking as roughly as does now, Zen didn't flinched and when he struck back his punch was stronger then what it was in training. A little to strong as the kid was knocked out by a single punch. Zen was expelled from his preschool at age 4 for violence with Quirk use. Zentaro and his father didn't see this as a set back but a celebration! A celebratory birth of a new hero to be! for the next 12 years Zen trained with his father after school and studied every night before bed. He was a studious and dedicated child but not exactly popular for his rough and overly formal manner of speech. He didn't have many friends or any in fact but he didn't care, Zen knew friends would get in the way of his Pro-hero career. And Friends do nothing but disappoint as the things Zen watched as a kid taught him anything. Suddenly, a few months before Zen's entrance Exam, Zen's father became very sick and unable to work as a Pro-hero. This caused both Zen to go into a depression since the only person he cares for his going to die within the year. Zentaro's father eased his nerves and made him promise to become a prohero so they achieve both of their dreams for him. Zentaro agreed to keep a promise even if it kills him. So now even with depression and living with the consequences of living in willing isolating he still vows and works hard to become a prohero. And he has his eye at Chihaiten Academy the same school his father went to before him [hider=Quirk] Quirk Name: Determination: Fighter's spirit Quirk Description: An Transformer type Quirk. Zentaro's quirk lets him use every blow he gives or takes to make himself more powerful by absorbing the kinetic force behind each attack and by either returning the attack twice fold to tenfold or by simply converting the kinetic force to energy so he can strengthen himself. He also absorbs the kinetic energy from large movements, like running and jumping which helps him move around faster. Overall at maximum power Zen has 10 times his normal strength, speed, and reflexes, and he has super human durability and endurance when his quirk is activated. Quirk Weaknesses: Zentaro has no ranged combat abilities. He also has a slow start with his quirk even getting to twofold strength can take a whole minute of punching and running. While he has super human Endurance he can easily be taken out when he's at his weaken state at the start of combat. While Zentaro can brush aside serious injuries during combat once he's cancel's his quirk he will crumple from the injuries. And finally Zentaro can easily get to 2x to 3x his normal strength though his own kinetic energy, getting any higher takes considerable effort since his power gains decreases as he himself increases in power. If he wants to get past his limit he needs to take in external sources of Kinetic forces which means taking hits, considerably hard hits, if he wants to reach his limit. [/hider] Other: Zentaro is trained in Boxing, Mixed Martial arts, and Free Running. He spent his entire childhood training by part his father but mostly by his own hand. since he knows the limitations of his quirks we wears weights at all times to better prepare himself and always be ready for combat since the weight of the weights create more kinetic power per movements therefor his hero outfit will be weighted. [/center] [/hider]