And here's the rest! Feedback and notes are always appreciated. [hider=Tetsuo] [center][img][/img] [sub]"It's harder than you think to come up with a cool catchphrase."[/sub] Name: Tetsuo Maeda Age: 15 [b]Appearance[/b]: Kind of short and skinny for his age (5'6"), Tetsuo had had to get used to being the smallest and youngest looking kid in the class. He usually prefers to wear simple stuff like a hoodie and t-shirt without much regard for fashion. Maybe it's because of his quirk but Tetsuo tends to favour dark colours. He's also a big fan of getting merch from his favourite bands and shows so his shirts tend to have big logos or pictures on them. He's not a fan of tight or formal clothing either so his uniform is usually on the scruffy side. His posture is usually great though! Just so he doesn't have to look shorter than he really is. [b]Personality[/b]: A shy kid who isn't suited to hero work really. Tetsuo is kind of a coward at heart and his quirk has only strengthened that trait. He's always been shorter and quieter than most kids his age and has let himself slip into the background more than once. He doesn't even really have the nerve to stand up for himself against his tormentors when it comes to the bullying that can be such a common experience for teenagers, always managing to convince himself that it's better to choose your battles or to not sink to their level. Though that excuse is wearing thin these days. On top of the self consciousness he feels about his less than impressive appearance Tetsuo harbors mixed feelings about his quirk. There are times when racing through the dark and passing by like a phantom feels exhilarating to him, a rush that he would never trade for anything. Then there's the shame he feels over it, worst of all he's fully aware that it was other people who gave him that shame. To his old classmates Shadow Crawl reeked of a villain power. Who hides around in the dark like that? Jeers of cowardice usually followed whenever he used it as a way to escape or get around an obstacle. Others thought it was creepy as he could pop out of nowhere like a ghost or some kind of imp. Some people even accused him of using it to spy on people, that he might use to peep on girls changing or stuff like that, SOMETHING HE WOULD NEVER DO! But accusations and rumours stick... so further into the shadows he slunk. It was determination to prove people wrong that drove him to apply for UA and sparked his idea of becoming a hero (not that he didn't already dream of it, what kid doesn't?). Tetsuo is a dreamer at heart, but his brain thinks and dreams quickly, bouncing from one idea to the next. His mental fortitude may be flighty and in need of training but his quick thinking and reaction times have helped him get to grips with his quirk and have only been sharpened by practise. He's already come up with multiple hero personas and is always pondering over ways to use his quirk since it tends to demand outside the box thinking. Though one big flaw in all these plans is that Tetsu has never been in a real fight, always preferring to hide and evade. He's never liked violence anyway, he went vegetarian just because he hated the idea of innocent little animals getting hurt. Maybe once he settles on a mask design he'll make it a part of his signature style, to be so stealthy the bad guys won't even know he's captured them until it's too late! Deep down Tetsuo doesn't really like himself all that much but he's determined to change that. The first step in his plan is to get accepted into the hero course, a place where no one knows him and he can be free to make a fresh start. Although so far this fresh boost of confidence has just amplified his love of sarcasm. [b]History[/b]: What is there to tell? A single child of a salaryman dad (Who had a super jump quirk) and a mom who worked in real estate (with sonic screaming). Tetsuo just went through school like any other kid. He never really thought that anything he did really set him apart from others. He did well as far as his grades were concerned, very well, actually, the lack of a social life had that backhanded perk at least and he always had a knack for remembering useless stuff he learned on the last documentary he watched. He even joined up with the school track team. He was never one of the star runners but a good diet and perseverance certainly let him run longer than a lot of his team mates. Though he went on to quit the team after a few years, Tetsuo never felt like he really belonged there anyway, especially as all the other runners started growing into streamlined speedsters and well... he was the kid who had to work his little legs extra hard to keep up. Still, he didn't give up on running as one of his favorite things to do now is put his headphones on and lose himself in a run and an accompanying playlist. He quickly got used to being on the bottom rung of the social ladder and convinced himself that it was something he didn't care about, school was just something you had to get through to become an adult and then your real life started after all. That didn't stop Tetsuo from developing a crush on any girl who was even passingly nice to him though. Like most kids Tetsuo started to come into his own once his quirk developed. Not in a great way, like coming out of his shell or talking to people more, no he couldn't make things that easy for himself. His confidence would only grow in private, like when he went out on the weekend to practice 'Shadow Running' in a quiet spot or, in his most outlandish acts of defiance, sneaking out at night to practice pushing Shadow Crawl to its limits. That also lead to the embarrassing task of buying skin rash cream the next day. Tetsuo doesn't care to talk about his private life to others, it isn't one he thinks is very interesting. His story wasn't one defined by big dramatic moments or life shattering events. Sure getting bullied was bad but it was something that happened day in, day out, and caused its damage like a daily dose of paper cuts. Sure his mom can be overbearing and her super scream makes getting scolded harsh and super embarrassing but that was just his life. Yeah his dad was always at work and Tetsuo never got much training in the ways of 'Becoming a man!' but that was just how he lived his life. Up to now Tetsuo's time has been made up of a dull slog, halfhearted attempts and inevitable retreats. And he's sick of it! There may not have been an inspiring moment that pushed Tetsuo to peruse herohood but that seed was still planted and watered just a little bit each day, and now it's ready to bloom. He's determined to get into the hero course and take control of his own life and his own future. To live for something more than just carrying on and walk into the spotlight, even if its just by one little step at a time. (He's also harboring the secret wish to get a girlfriend but sshhh) [b]Likes[/b]: Curry! - Music (but not live stuff) - Track - New ideas - Cute girls - Daydreaming - Animals - Documentaries [b]Dislikes[/b]: Confrontation - Awkward silences - Weights - being the centre of attention - Getting beaten real bad (close loses don't hurt so bad) - Meat - Hot weather Personal Strengths: Surprising endurance - Quick thinking - Self taught quirk experiments - good memory Personal Weaknesses: Lack of confidence - Never been in a fight - Cynical - Loner ("Recovering loner" to himself) [center]_____________________________________________________[/center] [b]Quirk Name:[/b] Shadow Crawl [b]Quirk Type:[/b] Emitter [b]Quirk Basics:[/b] Tetsuo is able to enter any shadow except his own (Becoming one with it as he likes to say) and hide inside it as well as travel along it at high speed if the shadow is long enough. For example: imagine a long shadow of something like... a skyscraper, Tetsuo would be able to enter at the base of the shadow and blitz along it before exiting at the shadow's tip. This is a handy trick he uses if multiple shadows overlap. [b]Quirk Strengths:[/b] Shadow Crawl's primary use is stealth. Once Tetsuo enters a shadow he melds with it completely, disappearing from view almost completely as well as making no sound. The quirk also increases his mobility within the limits of its power. Since Tetsuo is no longer bound by the limits of his physical body, his speed improves dramatically, allowing him to zip through the shadows like a wraith and move around the enviroment in ways he wouldn't be able to do normally such as clinging to ceilings and moving up and down walls. He's since learned that the quirk isn't limited to the shadow he entered through as well. When asked to describe it Tetsuo has said: "So long as my point of entry and exit are big enough for me to fit through then anything goes. Have you ever stopped and looked at how long all the shadows get around town when the sun gets low? Everything drags on and they all end up moving or connecting in some way... it's like a web I can move through. Maybe I should make my costume something to do with spiders!" And of course once the sun goes down pretty much anything goes for Tetsuo's range of movement and options. Some of his highlights of how he's used his quirk - which he included in his written application to UA - were keeping a personal best record of how far he can make it through downtown's shadows before hitting a dead end and riding the train's shadow all the way to school (though that last one is something he doesn't want to ever try again). [b]Quirk Weaknesses[/b]: The most obvious limit on Tetsuo's quirk is the time of day and the terrain. His ability through the dark is entirely reliant on his access to useful shadows at the time. Sure he could dive into one to get away but if that shadow is isolated from anything else then he's just left stranded. If left out in the open in the middle of the day during those hours when the sun is at its height and the shadows are at their shortest then Tetsuo is next to useless. Sources of light, though great for casting shadows against things, can also be a big pain as they cut through the dark. Surface disruption is another big issue. Though it's much harder for Tetsuo to be hurt while in the shadows (he still doesn't care for being stepped on) it is possible that if someone was to locate his hiding spot and break up the shadows in it, like say shining a strong light or blasting the surface it was located on they could knock him out of the shadows and undo his work. Physical side effects are a common symptom of quirk overuse and Tetsuo is no different. His problem is that if he spends too long in his shadow form he starts to develop an itchy and embarrassing skin rash. Please don't tell anyone. Other core limitations include him being unable to meld with his own shadow. Another is that although he can bring inanimate objects like clothes and gear in with him - so long as he keeps hold o them - he can't bring people in. He's yet to dare even trying to pull someone else into a shadow in case it hurts them. [b]Quirk Techniques: Hit and run[/b] - Not so much a special technique as it is Tetsuo's basic combat approach, jumping from one shadow to another to hide from his opponent and strike from where they least expect... at least that's what he plans on doing if he ever gets into a fight. [b]Soft Landing[/b] - A passive technique that took some very cautious experimentation from Tetsuo to figure out. In the past he's described entering the shadows as a mix of "Diving into cool water mixed with floating in the air all at once" it was that feeling that got him to experiment entering shadows at higher speed and aiming for distant targets. This is how he found out that diving into a shadow stores up his momentum in their squishy little world allowing him to jump from great heights and still land safely if there's a shadow for him to land in, though he'll then exit that shadow with most of his momentum still intact which is kind of awkward. He thinks that in theory this means he could turn powerful attacks back around on an opponent if the situation was right. [/center] [/hider]