[b]Name:[/b] Marcus Ainsworth [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] The young man stands at around the average height at 5’9” and is fairly well built, though he tends to hide it with baggy band shirts and hoodies most of the time. He has light brown hair, which is straight and falls just below his ears. He often wears it with a fringe swept over his right eye. His eyes are a dark blue, though are rarely seen behind his hair. [hider=Marcus Ainsworth] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/cb/ba/0e/cbba0e9d10e5a004626b9743d6a52743.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Instrument(s):[/b] Guitar (Main), Vocals, Keyboard. [b]Description:[/b] Marcus first comes across as quiet and introverted, and is fairly shy around new people. Once he gets comfortable, however, his true personality shines. He loves talking about his passions, especially music, and could talk for hours once he starts. He likes to feel useful, and is always there for his friends, or almost anyone really. He always tries to be on everyone's good side and is trusting to a fault. As a lot of creative people are, he is prone to unexpected bouts of near crippling depression that can last anywhere from an hour to a week. This can often leave him bedridden for days on end. He also often puts other people's happiness and well being above his own. There are also short times where he will keep to himself due to thinking that he is just a bother to everyone around him. He often gets over it quickly, but it is always there at the back of his mind. He tries to be calm and collected, but is often quick to overreact and over think most things. Even the tiniest issue can turn into a horrible world altering disaster in his mind if he lets it. Marcus is very opinionated, and often struggles to find the line between assertive and and aggressive when it comes to arguments, especially when it's something he's passionate about. Secretly, he is a hopeless romantic. He often keeps it hidden to avoid getting hurt, but it's there, and he can't wait to find someone to finally share that side of him with. [b]Favourite Genre(s)/Band(s):[/b] Emo, Pop-Punk, Alt-Rock, Post-Hardcore. [b]Brief Backstory:[/b] There isn't much to say about Marcus' childhood. The youngest of 3 boys in a family of musicians, he was always supported when it came to music. His parents gave him all the support he needed, though made sure that he knew how hard it is to make it in the music industry, so that he wasn't blindsided if he chose to pursue it. Despite the warnings, Marcus always made it very clear that music was what he wanted to do with his life. He went through school as somewhat of a wallflower, sticking to his own small circle of friends and keeping his head down, and spending most of his free time in the music room. [b]Miscellaneous Info:[/b] Is never seen without a pair of headphones. Has a van. Rides his skateboard most places.