[quote=@Mattchstick] [@Kassarock] [@POOHEAD189] The heck? I was asking about post spacing, not about how soon or often everyone should post. I don't care if people need or want to take more time. Not my business. I just want to know if there's a minimum number of people who should post before posting again. Sometimes the minimum is three people, sometimes you have to wait for everyone else to post, sometimes you can go back-to-back with one person.[/quote] Sorry, I took the fact that you were asking about when you could post again as an indication that you wanted to post again. In answer to your question, why not say wait for 5 people but also wait for like 5 days as well? Considering we got 9 posts in under 2 days. [@Dziady] Ack, I feel your pain, one of mine is still coming through and the bastard makes it hurt to eat for weeks at a time. Still, if I don't have to have it out I won't. EDIT: Wow I read that back and it comes off as real passive-aggressive doesn't it? Non-intended, swear.