As much as Kili thought he understood, Delva's worries. He could not turn his back on his uncle. That was not how it should be...what he should be told to do. It was wrong. Whilst he respected and loved his uncle, there were times his uncle was not the 'best' person to go to. But that didn't mean, Kili would leave him to bad fates. Kili just hoped, Saeril would understand...his loyalty laid with the both of did his love. The young Dwarf nodded, to his god-mother. "Get some need it." he told her softly, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. Whilst leaving her to rest, Kili went to find his brother. Fili needed to now how bad this was...but on his way to find his brother. Kili came across the closed off entrance to the mountain. Kili stared in shock. He could not believe, what he was seeing. His uncle was blocking the way, the way out...for them. The way in for people, in need of help...if someone would come to them, for aid. Thorin noticed his younger nephew. "Ah, Kili...come...come and help us." he said as he gestured towards the young Durin. "We're almost done." "Why?" Kili asked and his jaw clenched in anger towards his uncle, when he spoke off the citizens of Lake Town taking up refugee in it was some sort of a crime. " you hear yourself? They came here to us looking for help. They have nothing!" Kili refused to help his uncle out, during this blockage act. It wasn't went against his own beliefs. And Thorin was going against his promises, to the people of Lake Town. "We had nothing!" Thorin reminded Kili. "I Will not let our home be taken from us once again?!" he said sternly. "And your promise? Does that not mean anything to you?" Kili asked his uncle. "They deserve..." before Kili could even get the full words out, Thorin had grabbed him by his neck and shoved him back against one of the pillars with a growl. "They will not get their hands on, what doesn't belong to them!" Thorin warned Kili.