[img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/283698275263971328/381826273355497482/Mary.gif[/img] For a long time, Mary had closed herself off. Even when she hung out with the ventriloquist and clown, she gave out her standard streaming act: try to be cute, try to be funny, don't let them see a frown on your face. Ever since Mondatta died, she had to cope with the loss, and did so on her own way, which was pursuing Cookie and keeping her mask on at all times. But even that lost it's luster over time, and now she just stayed in her room. She kept re-recording and deleting snippets of film, taking new cuts over the smallest of things. Something was always wrong...Or maybe, she was right, and she had become a nobody, a complete void of popularity. It was what she feared, and she knew in her heart it had come to pass. Thinking such heavy thoughts, she went to sleep. Mary was in her room, sleeping, when the alarm struck. She ran right to Shaun's room, which was the scene of the crime. She gasped when she saw the victim. [color=pink]"Marianne! Oh my god, no!"[/color] She looked away, lest she be traumatized by the sight. But she had a feeling it was too late. [color=pink]"We were just getting to know each other...Why!"[/color] She bit her lip, trembling. [color=pink]"Marianne..."[/color] Ice showed his frustration again, just like the time when he asked everyone to help him beat Alexandria. Of course, Mary said nothing then. After all, what was a dainty woman like her going to do against a killer robot? As always, Cyrus was the one who brought the group together, and Mary gave a faint hint of a smile upon hearing him speak. He was always so dashing and refined, even during times of crisis. She nodded, her will resolute on the matter; Marianne was a friend of hers, and friends don't abandon each other. [color=pink]"Yeah...Marianne deserves it. I'll see what I can do."[/color] Mary learned a bit about how investigating worked from the previous case, but she was still very clueless on what to actually focus on. So she tried to be useful in her own way; she took the video camera from her room, and began filming the crime scene and the investigators there, making sure their conversations were caught on tape so they could quickly review them during the trial; instead of having to rely completely on the memory of possible witnesses, they also had tangible clues on hand.