[h2]Sir Tyaethe Radistirin[/h2] The paladin's response was madness of the highest order: she didn't dodge, didn't make any attempt to get out of the way. It wasn't with the deer-in-the-headlights expression of somebody that had no idea how to deal with an opponent like this, but with the absolute certainty that nothing it could do would harm her. Into her raised shield the fists slammed, Tyaethe holding firm as her whole arm absorbed the shock. Then, with the creature overextended, the counter-attack began: her sword hacked swung through its arm without pause, unavoidably coating the knight in a layer of dark red as she kept forward, keen to keep cutting away whilst it was still trying to use the now-missing hand. The blows that followed had no such intent to maim or disable the creature cleanly; every strike was just to gouge out another chunk of flesh. There were many ways to approach something with such a thick hide even over more sensitive areas: go for the eyes, the mouth; to mass ranks and confront it with so many points it would unavoidably impale itself was a common tactic. Tyaethe, with a far larger blade more than capable of just cutting through had her own way of dealing with these beasts: get an opening, then keep cutting into its torso until it bled out or she finally split it right open. Of course, it still had one hand, but that was fine. Her shield was on that side. [hr] [h2]Lilianna Belwiss[/h2] From the sidelines, there wasn't much more that she could offer, the orcs too busy being run through to escape around to come target the more supporting elements of the knights, though she wasn't about to abandon her role and stop checking for an enemy to come up behind them. Except, that is, to offer tactical advice: "Yevan, your Grace, do you believe that you could cleanly bring down a troll each? If not, then it would be recommended to impair them in some manner, as even injured they can take many men with them before succumbing to wounds." For instance, not repeating the magical equivalent of the paladin's brutal approach. At least that troll got to focus on her lunacy rather than any that this pair couldn't kill.