[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjQ0LjQwNjMzNi5Ua2N0TkRRNS4wAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/expansiva.italic.png[/img] [youtube]https://youtu.be/Ak_p3Oqov08[/youtube][/center] [hr][hr] Kiera made the choice of severing pieces of the plant. Evidently the whole thing wouldn't quite cut it as a sample, some sacrificing was needed. If she were to take some of the strange bulbs, stem and roots, then it'd be enough for further analysis. "[color=fff200]Pocket it, Kiera. We'll analyze this after the task. No way I'm working this thing when ...[/color]" He'd peer toward the menacing onlookers. "[color=fff200]Well it's like peeing when you're being watched basically. No way I'll be able to with these bozos. Or you.[/color]" The next initiative would be to carefully march toward the West, essentially opposite of the alpha beast's stand. Though it seemed to work at first, the ruffling of leafs would indicate otherwise. They were now being followed, prompting the bot to turn around multiple times as he'd follow the woman's path. "[color=fff200]Heart rates are increasing. This is strange. They're congregating. Either they think you're a meal or something's up.[/color]" He kept his voice rather discrete, as to not alert the animals that had been stalking them. The more they progressed, the more they'd notice these creatures in the trees and foliage. The pack was getting quite aggressive, and one could start to see why there'd be a general lack of fauna in the area. These Boonharks were extremely aggressive, and seemingly carnivorous. This was their territory, and they did not take kindly to intruders. Though this theory of territorial critters would be put to question as Kiera would end up stepping on three carcasses of the same species that had been pursuing them. They were quite decomposed, but clearly mauled. From the quick glances they could take, it'd seem to fit the claws and teeth of the Boonharks. [center][img]https://img00.deviantart.net/293c/i/2009/351/c/6/bog_in_the_darkness_by_maoundo.jpg[/img][/center] As they would eventually have to face North, the two would notice the immense bog standing in their way. While the option of walking around it seemed plausible, even if risking meeting more of these, the pack of now nearly a dozen of the baboon hybrids was starting to become disconcerting. [color=9e0b0f][i]GWAK![/i][/color] Cried the alpha, as it grabbed a hold of two thick branches on the tree it stood upon, shaking them as the other members of the pack commenced rallying in war cries. "[color=fff200]Guess this is our cue to fuck off. I dunno what's their problem.[/color]" Remarked Hubert as he'd direct his singular gaze onto the bog before them. The apes were swinging about through the vines and branches, descending ever so closer to Kiera and her drone. They were undeniably hostile. Aggression would only accumulate as small stones and pieces of branches would be tossed at their direction. Clumsily, but the message was clear. Running could be an option, albeit the duo was most certainly surrounded, and by an unknown amount of assailants, given more popped out of nowhere quite often. They could also go for a swim, though one should be careful, as the branches reach down to the surface. Or, take a total dive. It would be obvious that diving would be a risky gamble, given how the wildlife had been oh so welcoming. But it seemed to be either that, or combat. The radar would indicate that beyond this bog, the target site would be extremely close by.