[@Drakey][@Superboy][@ihinka][@Trivval][@VoiD][@Adalea][@sassy1085][@Azazaa][@ayzrules] Thanks for showing interest! :) [center][color=aquamarine]World Building in Progress...[/color] [color=silver][Estimated time: 168 hours][/color] [img]http://www.fiestafan.com/wiki/images/1/14/Mining.gif[/img] [color=aquamarine]-Content-[/color] World Lore/History World Map/mini-maps/points of interest Politics Society/Culture Economy Technology Environment factions essential NPCs bestiary creature-behavior combat settings Gameplay Mechanics/Interface RPers guidelines Major plot short story-lines hidden mysteries [hr] You may start with thinking on a CS xD Feel free to pitch in ideas as well :) For newcomers, there is always space for more characters in the hollow world. Thank you for your patience, your game will commence shortly.[/center]